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Code Cleaning & Automation

ANDREY Paul requested to merge gardening into main

The changes implemented through this merge are:

  • Quality-of-life:

    • Refactor logger attribute creation in communication and orchestrating classes:
      • Client loggers are now instance-specific by default, to ease debugging.
      • End-users and developers can now configure logging as they wish, notably to write down results to files.
    • Fix keep-alive ping requests configuration when using websockets, preventing undue timeout errors.
    • Raise a ValueError if InMemoryDataset.generate_batches would result in an empty iterator.
  • Redundant code cleaning:

    • Refactor some declearn.communication.Server code to avoid redundant blocks when setting up SSL usage.
    • Add the compatible_vector_types property to declearn.model.api.Vector and remove redundant code in numpy-compatible, tensor-wrapping Vector subclasses.
    • Add the dtypes and shapes methods to declearn.model.api.Vector, and use them to write a shared __repr__ method, removing some redundant code in subclasses.
  • Formatting & Automation:

    • Fix the pyproject.toml configuration and installation file, and drop the setup.cfg one.
    • Reformat code files using black and configure black usage.
    • Add black --check and pylint code verification to the tox test suite.
Edited by ANDREY Paul

Merge request reports
