- Jul 24, 2023
Can be heavily simplified if implementation of model seeding does not require anything fancier than a seed integer.
- Jul 17, 2023
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
- Jul 13, 2023
ANDREY Paul authored
Add support for Torch 2.0 Closes #27 See merge request !49
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
- Torch 2.0 introduced `torch.compile`, a novel utilty to optimize computations via their JIT-compiling into optimized kernels. At the moment, compiled modules cannot be saved (but their states, which are shared with the underlying original module, can), and are not compatible with `torch.func` functional execution either. - As declearn vows to support Torch 2.0, it seems crucial that end- users may use `torch.compile`. However, as long as Torch 1.10-13 versions (and previous versions of DecLearn 2.X) are supported, this handling should not break backward compatibility. - An initial approach was to enable compiling the handled module as part of `TorchModel.__init__`. However, this proves impractical, as it takes away the assumption that end-users should be able to use their customly-prepared module as-is - including pre-compiled ones. This is all the more true as their are many options to the `torch.compile` function, that DecLearn has no purpose handling. - Therefore, the approach implemented here is to detect and handle models that were compiled prior to being input into `TorchModel`. - Here are a few notes and caveats regarding the current implementation: - Some impractical steps were taken to ensure weights and gradients have the same name regardless of whether the module was compiled or not, _and regardless of the specific 2.x version of declearn_. When we move to declearn 3, it will be worth revising. - A positive consequence of the previous note is that the compilation of the module should not impair cases where some clients are using torch 1 and/or an older 2.x version of declearn. - The will to retain user-defined compilation option is mostly lost due to the current lack of recording of these info by torch. This is however expected to evolve in the future, which should enable sharing instructions with clients. See issue 101107 of pytorch: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/101107 - A clumsy bugfix was introduced to avoid an issue where the wrapped compiled model would not take weights updates into account when running in evaluation mode. The status of this hack should be kept under close look as the issue I opened to report the bug is treated: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/104984
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
- Turn "all" and "torch" extras more loose, enabling (thus, in most cases, resulting in) installing torch >=2.0 rather than 1.1[0-3]. - Add "torch1" and "torch2" extras to specify explicitly whether the user would rather use Torch 1.13 or >=2.0. Opacus is made part of these two extras, as its version is also co-dependent with Torch/Functorch. - Document this change as part of the package installation guide.
ANDREY Paul authored
- Torch 2.0 was released in march 2023, introducing a number of new features to the torch ecosystem, while being non-breaking wrt past versions on most points. - One of the salient changes is the introduction of `torch.func`, that integrates features previously introduced as part of the `functorch` package, which we have been relying upon in order to efficiently compute and clip sample-wise gradients. - This commit therefore introduces a new backend code branch so as to make use of `torch.func` when `torch~=2.0` is used, and retain the existing `functorch`-based branch when older torch versions are used. - As part of this effort, some of the `TorchModel` backend code was refactored, notably deferring the functional transform of the input `torch.nn.Module` to the first call for sample-wise gradients computation. This has the nice side effect of fixing cases when users want to train a non-functorch-compatible model without DP-SGD.
- Jul 12, 2023
ANDREY Paul authored
Refactor tests pipeline, introducing 'scripts/run_tests.sh'. See merge request !52
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
- Add the 'scripts/run_tests.sh' bash script, which enables running various blocks of tests. This mostly refactors instructions that used to be part of 'tox.ini', in a more convenient way: - some tests are grouped (commands in a group _all_ run, but the group fails if any has failed once all are done); - instructions are (hopefully) easier to read through and should be easier to maintain in the future; - it should be easier to decline more groups in the future (e.g. to have a routine with only unit tests); - groups of tests can be run easily, including without using tox. - Have the 'tox.ini' file trigger some groups of tests by calling the new bash script. This makes the tox file easier to read and parse through, and merely oriented at providing run isolation. - Split test groups into various envs in tox, which may be slightly more costly to run, but enables writing simpler CI/CD pipelines that merely pass arguments to the tox command. - Make it explicit in 'tox.ini' that tests can be run with python 3.8 and onwards. - Keep a "main" job that groups all others. This is useful in the Inria shared Gitlab Runner, as caching is disabled, so that the use of distinct jobs would result in redundant costful package installations.
ANDREY Paul authored
Revise the MNIST example, cleaning up the code and documentation. See merge request !51
ANDREY Paul authored
- Jul 06, 2023
ANDREY Paul authored
Fix compatibility issues with scikit-learn 1.3.0 and tensorflow 2.13.0 Closes #28 and #29 See merge request !50
Paul ANDREY <paul.andrey@inria.fr>
ANDREY Paul authored
The legacy 'test_main.py' integration tests are now mostly redundant with other integration tests, adding little marginal value to the CI/CD tests pipeline. From a Coverage POV, the only thing that is not already tested elsewhere is the actual use of Scaffold. Hence the test scenarios collected during PyTest runs are restricted to: - FedAvg and Scaffold variants of Optimization strategies. (prior: FedAvg + FedAvgM + Scaffold) - In non-fulltest, only the Scaffold strategy is used. (prior: FedAvg + Scaffold) This results in testing 3 scenarios in the limited pipeline and 18 in the "fulltest" one, when there previously would be 6 or 27 scenarios.
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
- Scikit-Learn 1.3.0 introduced the possibility to use any dtype for SGD-based models' weights. - As a consequence, this commit introduces the optional 'dtype' argument to 'SklearnSGDModel.__init__' and '.from_parameters' methods, which is only used with `sickit-learn >=1.3` and an un-initialized model. - Coherently (and for all scikit-learn versions), additional type/dtype verification has been implemented under the hood of `_unpack_batch`.
- Jun 08, 2023
ANDREY Paul authored
- May 31, 2023
ANDREY Paul authored
- May 23, 2023
ANDREY Paul authored
- May 11, 2023
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
- Fix device-selection utils for Jax/Haiku. - Ensure any GPU is left untouched when the device policy specifies that the CPU must be used. - Fix instructions in both HaikuModel and its tests' setup code to achieve the former. - Note: `jax.jit(..., device=<D>)` is used to prevent Haiku from using another device than the desired one; however this argument is being deprecated, making this solution short-lived. Since the supported Jax version is hard-coded however, we keep this patch for now, in wait of future framework evolutions. - Add the use of the optional, custom `--cpu-only` flag in Haiku unit tests. This enabled testing the former changes in an env that has a detectable GPU, but an unproper driver version (so that any undesired use of that GPU would make the tests fail).
- May 10, 2023
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
Minor gardening around the package See merge request !44
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored
- First run unit tests (which are the more problematic). - Then run code quality verifications (pylint / mypy / black). - Finally run integration tests. The rationale to inverting the last two items relative to what was done prior to this update is to keep the longest-running tests for the end (rather than re-play a long pipeline due to late-detected formatting issues).
ANDREY Paul authored
ANDREY Paul authored