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Docker Engine is available on a variety of Linux platforms, macOS and Windows 10. You can find the installation documentation on Docker's documentation website

Linux & MacOs X


How to run PlanetGLLIM


  • In a terminal, run:
$ docker login

Run on Linux (Ubuntu as example)

  • clone repository
$ git clone
  • move to the build dorectory
$ cd planet-gllim-front-end/build
  • pull docker required images
$ docker-compose pull
  • run the software
$ docker-compose up

Then wait for this message in the console:

web_1     | Starting development server at
web_1     | Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
$ docker-compose down
  • To shut down the application and remove previously computed data, run:
$ docker-compose down --volumes

Run on MacOs X

Running instructions are the same as for Linux

Run on Windows

  • Open a command prompt window and go to the desired folder in which you want to clone the repository
  • clone repository
> git clone
  • move to the build dorectory
> cd planet-gllim-front-end/build
  • pull docker required images
> docker-compose pull
  • run the software
> docker-compose up

Then wait for this message in the console:

web_1     | Starting development server at
web_1     | Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
> docker-compose down --volumes


There is no ouput in the console of the application

This appears to ahappend sometimes. Just let the simulation run and watch the output in your terminal. One finished, just reload the application page in the browser and rerun the simulation. The saved results will be called.

My simulation crashes, raising an EOFERROR

Be sure your docker app has enough memory allocated. Set the amount of RAM available for docker to 8GB at least.

docker-compose up crashes, raising an error like ERROR: for broker Cannot start service broker

You likely have a broker running on your system (like rabbitmq) and the broker port is busy. Be sure the port 5672 is free.


This software is licensed under the GNU GPL-compatible CeCILL licence. While the software is free, we would appreciate it if you send us an e-mail at planet.gliim at to let us know how you use it. Also, please contact us if the licence does not meet your needs.