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When executing a program, its state varies. It is thus interesting to have a debugger representing these runtime changes. The following backend provides textual animations for domain-specific languages (DSL), proposing different representations of the runtime state of the program. Mainly using Xtext features, the project is available as a GEMOC Studio add-on.

Description of the project

The XtextAnimationBackendForGemoc provides textual animations as a GEMOC add-on. When developing their DSL, a language designer can add the XtextAnimation plugin to create a debugger. They will be able to simply customize it with a configuration file, written in RunStaR DSL. Here is an example of a RunStaR configuration file. Currently, text animations include:

  • Permanent hovers: displays HTML text, Javascript code and images. Images can be a time series that displays an integer-based variable's evolution through time.
  • Highlighting: when a concept is changed at runtime, it will be highlighted in the editor.
  • Comments: text can be displayed next to a changed concept.
  • Markers: information can be displayed inside an Eclipse marker in the editor margin

Future work ideas can be found here.

Main classes and their responsabilities

Class Description
XtextAnimationBehaviorManager (implements IEngineAddon) Provided through the org.eclipse.gemoc.gemoc_language_workbench.engine_addon extension point. It contains methods that depend on the engine state (started, about to stop...). The behavior manager contains all of the configured animations and calls their methods when needed.
XtextAnimator (abstract) Contains the essential objects needed by an animation : the EObject to animate, an ExecutionEngine to retrieve DSL information. To know when the animation must be executed, the XtextAnimator also uses a GemocClockEntity (a clock trigger) and a boolean indicating the engine state. There are two methods to override: updates() and cleanUp(). A third method, checkAuxClocks() can also be overriden but it is not mandatory. This method is used by Animators that have multiple EObjects to animate.
RunStaRConfigurationRetriever Retrieves the RunStaR configuration file written by the language designer and builds the different animation Properties.
Properties (abstract) Set by the RunStaRConfigurationRetriever, a Properties object contains all the information needed to create a XtextAnimator, according to the RunStaR configuration file. When the parameters are retrieved and set, non-mandatory parameters are set to their default values. Afterwards, it is possible to use the createAnimator() method to create retrieve the fully set XtextAnimator.
XtextAnimationMouseListener (implements MouseListener) Some actions can be triggered by user actions, such as double clicking a line in the editor. You can add the needed animations in this mouse listener's methods.
HoverMouseLinker Sets up and provides the XtextAnimationMouseListener to the XtextEditor's XtextSourceViewer.


Adding a new animation

In order to add a new animation called MyAnimation, you will need to :

  • Create your MyAnimationAnimator class extending XtextAnimator
  • Create the MyAnimationProperties extending Properties
  • If your animation has specific needs, you can add them in the createAssociatedAnimators() method of the XtextAnimationBehaviorManager. The HoverManagerAnimator has an example of such behavior.
  • If your animation has global actions, make them static and call them in the appropriate method of the XtextAnimationBehaviorManager. The HighlightingAnimator has an example of such behavior.

Current animations : how they work

Permanent Hovers : HoverAnimator

Permanent Hovers are SWT widgets such as a Browser or a Label, configured with the properties' contents and set to visible when needed. These widgets need to be provided with a Shell. Every shell modification must happen inside

Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {  
	public void run() {  
		//your code here  

Be careful : when updating a widget, you indirectly update the shell it is contained in. Thus, be sure that every widget update is also contained in a thread as shwon above.
Hovers appear when double clicking an entity that has Hover Properties. To do so, a HoverMouseLinker, set in the XtextAnimationBehaviorManager, retrieves all the HoverAnimator and provides them to a mouse listener: the XtextAnimationMouseListener. It implements the SWT MouseListener.
To customize displayed text, the HoverAnimator has a HTMLBuilder. It builds a string in HTML format, following the instructions given by the RunStaR configuration file.

Comments : CommenterAnimator

Comments exploit the code mining feature of Xtext. Each CommenterAnimator has its own XtextAnimationCodeMiningProvider, that extends the AbstractXtextCodeMiningProvider. The CommenterAnimator is responsible of creating its XtextAnimationCodeMiningProvider and stores it in a static list. When all the providers are created, the CommenterAnimator can statically give them to the XtextEditor's SourceViewer, that responsible of drawing the code minings.
The CommenterAnimator is also responsible of telling its XtextAnimationCodeMiningProvider when it should update its contents.

Highlight : HighlightingAnimator

To highlight an element, you will need to customize its StyleRange in the XtextEditor. As textual customisation overlaps syntax highlighting, to avoid conflicts we give all StyleRanges to a TextPresentation that solves overlapping issues.

Markers : MarkerAnimator

Markers are XtextAnnotation, that need to be provided to the XtextEditor's SourceViewer. It contains text and has an icon in the margin. Three default icons are provided by Xtext : Error, Warning and Information.


Copyright (c) INRIA Kairos and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available on the Eclipse Website.

Julien Deantoni, Ludovic Marti & Ryana Karaki worked on this project.