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Unverified Commit b2b6304b authored by jrh13's avatar jrh13 Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #88 from aqjune/print_typed_var

Print terms that invented types when `type_invention_error` is set
parents 38dd8a81 cc45f474
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......@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ fails with an error message:
# type_invention_error := true;;
val it : unit = ()
# let tm = `x = x`;;
Exception: Failure "typechecking error (cannot infer type of variables)".
Failure "typechecking error (cannot infer type of variables): =, x".
\noindent You can avoid the error by explicitly giving appropriate types or
type variables yourself:
......@@ -393,41 +393,58 @@ let type_of_pretype,term_of_preterm,retypecheck =
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Flag to indicate that Stvs were translated to real type variables. *)
(* Pretype -> type conversion. The base function returns a flag if a *)
(* system type variable was translated to real type variable. *)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let stvs_translated = ref false in
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Pretype <-> type conversion; -> flags system type variable translation. *)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec type_of_pretype ty =
let rec type_of_pretype_base (ty:pretype): hol_type * bool =
match ty with
Stv n -> stvs_translated := true;
let s = "?"^(string_of_int n) in
| Utv(v) -> mk_vartype(v)
| Ptycon(con,args) -> mk_type(con,map type_of_pretype args) in
Stv n -> let s = "?"^(string_of_int n) in
(mk_vartype(s), true)
| Utv(v) -> (mk_vartype(v), false)
| Ptycon(con,args) ->
let args',translated = unzip (map type_of_pretype_base args) in
let translated = List.fold_left (||) false translated in
(mk_type(con,args'), translated) in
let type_of_pretype (ty:pretype): hol_type =
fst (type_of_pretype_base ty) in
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Maps preterms to terms. *)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let term_of_preterm =
let rec term_of_preterm ptm =
let stvs_translated_terms:string list ref = ref [] in
let rec term_of_preterm (ptm:preterm): term =
match ptm with
Varp(s,pty) -> mk_var(s,type_of_pretype pty)
| Constp(s,pty) -> mk_mconst(s,type_of_pretype pty)
Varp(s,pty) ->
let ty, translated = type_of_pretype_base pty in
let v = mk_var(s,ty) in
let _ =
if translated && not (exists (fun s' -> s = s')
then stvs_translated_terms := s::!stvs_translated_terms
else () in v
| Constp(s,pty) ->
let ty, translated = type_of_pretype_base pty in
let c = mk_mconst(s,ty) in
let _ =
if translated && not (exists (fun s' -> s = s')
then stvs_translated_terms := s::!stvs_translated_terms
else () in c
| Combp(l,r) -> mk_comb(term_of_preterm l,term_of_preterm r)
| Absp(v,bod) -> mk_gabs(term_of_preterm v,term_of_preterm bod)
| Typing(ptm,pty) -> term_of_preterm ptm in
let report_type_invention () =
if !stvs_translated then
if !stvs_translated_terms <> [] then
if !type_invention_error
then failwith "typechecking error (cannot infer type of variables)"
then failwith
("typechecking error (cannot infer type of variables): " ^
String.concat ", " !stvs_translated_terms)
else warn !type_invention_warning "inventing type variables" in
fun ptm -> stvs_translated := false;
fun ptm -> stvs_translated_terms := [];
let tm = term_of_preterm ptm in
report_type_invention (); tm in
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