A code fragment (e.g. a specific algorithm in a program or library).
Inherits values of missing fields from the entry mentioned in the ~crossref~ field.
*** Mandatory fields
- author :: list (name). The authors of the title. See issue [[https://gitlab.inria.fr/gt-sw-citation/bibtex-sw-entry/issues/6][#6]]
- title :: field (literal). The title of the software artifact.
- url :: field (uri). The url of an online publication (e.g on HAL).
- year :: field (literal). The year of creation or release. See issue [[https://gitlab.inria.fr/gt-sw-citation/bibtex-sw-entry/issues/7][#7]]
*** Optional fields
- abstract :: field (literal). This field is intended for recording
abstracts in a bib file, to be printed by a special bibliography
style. It is not used by all standard bibliography styles..
- file :: field (verbatim). A local link to a version of the work. Not used
by the standard bibliography styles. Replaces PDF.
- doi :: field (verbatim). The Digital Object Identifier of the work.
- hal_id [not in biblatex] :: field (verbatim). A digital identifier for the
software record including its description and metadata on HAL. See issue [[https://gitlab.inria.fr/gt-sw-citation/bibtex-sw-entry/issues/1][#1]].
- license [not in biblatex] :: list (literal). The license/s of the title
in SPDX format.
- month :: field (literal). The month of creation or release. This must be
an integer, not an ordinal or a string.
- note :: field (literal). Release note of the cited version.
- institution :: field (literal). The institution(s) that took part in the
software project.
- publisher :: list (literal). The name(s) of the publisher(s) of the software
record (we need to define the notion of a research software publisher, see issue [[https://gitlab.inria.fr/gt-sw-citation/bibtex-sw-entry/issues/2][#2]]).
- repository [not in biblatex] :: field (uri). The url of the code repository
(e.g on GitHub, GitLab).
- swh_id [not in biblatex] :: field (verbatim) The identifier of the digital
object (a.k.a the software artifact itself). The intrinsic identifier
of the item is an swh-id (swh:dir for a directory, swh:rev for
a revision, swh:rel for a release, etc.). See issue [[https://gitlab.inria.fr/gt-sw-citation/bibtex-sw-entry/issues/5][#5]].
- version :: field (literal). The revision number of a piece of software,
a manual, etc.
** Reviewed proposition for a software deposit on HAL
This is the most recent proposition, taking into account most fields above.
The field description is based on the [[http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/CTAN/macros/latex/exptl/biblatex/doc/biblatex.pdf][biblatex documentation]]
** Data fields
- abstract :: field (literal). This field is intended for recording
abstracts in a bib file, to be printed by a special bibliography
style. It is not used by all standard bibliography styles.
- author :: list (name). The authors of the title. See issue [[https://gitlab.inria.fr/gt-sw-citation/bibtex-sw-entry/issues/6][#6]]
- date :: field (date). The date of creation or release in ISO format (/biblatex only/).
- editor :: list (name). The coordinator(s) of large modular software projects. See issue [[https://gitlab.inria.fr/gt-sw-citation/bibtex-sw-entry/issues/6][#6]]
- file :: field (verbatim). A local link to a version of the work. Not used
by the standard bibliography styles. Replaces PDF.
- doi :: field (verbatim). The Digital Object Identifier of the work.
- halid [not in biblatex] :: field (verbatim). A digital identifier for the
software record including its description and metadata on HAL. See issue [[https://gitlab.inria.fr/gt-sw-citation/bibtex-sw-entry/issues/1][#1]].
- license [not in biblatex] :: list (literal). The license/s of the title
in SPDX format.
- month :: field (literal). The month of creation or release. This must be
an integer, not an ordinal or a string.
- note :: field (literal). Release note of the cited version.
- institution :: field (literal). The institution(s) that took part in the
software project.
- introducedin :: field (literal). If this is a software module or fragment,
the version of the containing project where it has been first introduced.
- publisher :: list (literal). The name(s) of the publisher(s) of the software
record (we need to define the notion of a research software publisher, see issue [[https://gitlab.inria.fr/gt-sw-citation/bibtex-sw-entry/issues/2][#2]]).
- repository [not in biblatex] :: field (uri). The url of the code repository
(e.g on GitHub, GitLab).
- swhid [not in biblatex] :: field (verbatim). The identifier of the digital
object (a.k.a the software artifact itself). The intrinsic identifier
of the item is an swh-id (swh:cnt for a content, swh:dir for a directory, swh:rev for
a revision, swh:rel for a release, etc.). See issue [[https://gitlab.inria.fr/gt-sw-citation/bibtex-sw-entry/issues/5][#5]].
- subtitle :: field (literal). The title of a component of the software artifact.
- title :: field (literal). The title of the software artifact.
- url :: field (uri). The url of an online resource (e.g a page on HAL).
- urldate :: field (date). The access date of the address specified in the url field.
- version :: field (literal). The revision number of a piece of software,
a manual, etc.
- year :: field (literal). The year of creation or release. See issue [[https://gitlab.inria.fr/gt-sw-citation/bibtex-sw-entry/issues/7][#7]]
** Special fields
- crossref :: field (entry key). This field holds an entry key for the
cross-referencing feature. Child entries with a crossref field inherit data
from the parent entry specified in the crossref field.
* Examples
Here are a few example of use of the proposed entries.
** software and softwareversion
This is an example description of a software release using a single ~@software~ entry.
#+BEGIN_SRC bibtex
@software {delebecque:hal-02090402,
TITLE = {{Scilab 1.1}},
AUTHOR = {Delebecque, Fran{\c c}ois and Gomez, Claude and Goursat, Maurice
title = {{Scilab 1.1}},
author = {Delebecque, Fran{\c c}ois and Gomez, Claude and Goursat, Maurice
and Nikoukhah, Ramine and Steer, Serge and Chancelier, Jean-Philippe},