Submission and evaluation
Important dates: bibligraphic report deadlines
- December 16, 2022: send a detailed outline of the report to your supervisor and make a new submission on EasyChair
- some bibliographic references must by cited
- section/subsection titles should be almost definitive.
- January 20, 2023, noon: submission of the preliminary report on EasyChair
- 75% of Definitive bibliographic references.
- Report written up to 75%.
- February 3, 2023, noon: final BIBL report on EasyChair
Important dates: internship report deadlines
- June 2, 2023, noon: preliminary report (new submission on EasyChair)
- June 9, 2023, noon: final report (submission update)
- August 16, 2023, noon: preliminary report (new submission on EasyChair)
- August 22, 2023, noon: final report
Details: Bibliography
The pdf file of your bibliography has to be submitted on the submission site.
The dates of the colloquium and the deadline for sending the bibliography can be found in the Timetable page.
Bibliography and intership template
Some pieces of advice
The bibliography report is the bibliographical part of the internship; it should therefore be about the subject of the internship. The articles required are provided by your supervisor. To give you an idea, the length of the report should be a maximum of 15 pages (in total, including bibliographic references, annexes and not including the cover page, table of contents), a minimum of 10 pages and it should include at least 5-10 bibliographical references (depending on the domain). It is essential for your internship supervisor to approve the bibliographic report before you hand it in. This report may be written in English if necessary. Looking for references
Your search for references (articles, books, etc.) will provide the basic material to enable you to produce the report. You should use the following sources when looking for material: • the list of publications cited in the articles given by the supervisor; • the articles, reports and PhD theses produced by the team to which you are assigned for the internship; • journals and conference proceedings available from the library; • advice given by your internship supervisor. The articles used in the bibliography may be different and complementary: • general background articles explaining the field, making classifications, comparisons, etc. (PhD theses, subject reviews, etc.); • in-depth articles giving details of one important technical aspect of the field of study. Drafting the bibliography
A bibliography is not merely a series of publication abstracts. General articles are used to make classifications and to extract a logical structure (a process which naturally involves a range of methods). During this stage, discussions with their supervisor can guide the student in his or her work. In-depth articles serve as illustrations. If one or more articles are of paramount importance, it is possible to dedicate more of the report to them: explanation of the main results, detailed critical study, etc. When several articles belong to the same group of articles, it is not always helpful to give details of all of them; in this case, the group should be described, and perhaps one article presented in detail and the others merely mentioned. Note
The aim of a bibliographic study, a vital preliminary stage for any academic work, is to familiarize yourself with the corpus of work for the subject on which you will be working during your internship, and its context. The bibliography should therefore not merely present articles on the exact options that you will take during your internship, but should give an overview of the various possible alternatives at each stage, of which only some will be selected for your own work. The purpose of this is to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the field of study. Plan
A bibliography must include:
a flyleaf containing at the very least the title of your internship subject, your name, the names of your supervisors, the name of the laboratory and the team (within this laboratory) proposing this internship subject, the name of our course (Master’s in Computer Science – Research in Computer Science specialism) and the name of the institution where you are registered. You can, of course, include the logos of the laboratory and institution if you wish to do so;
an introduction: this must set out the general context of the subject, then define the specific subject of the internship within this framework, along with the objectives to be achieved. It should contain an explanation of the way the rest of the report is to be structured (outline of the plan);
the body of the study
keeping to the plan outlined in the introduction, the various works should be presented and the specific characteristics of each one described; do not hesitate to discuss the relevance of a publication with regard to your personal subject;
a method presented in an article may be absolutely outstanding but may not be appropriate for the subject in question; if this is the case, reasons should be given;
a method may be valid but may have limitations (restrictive theories); these should be explained;
a conclusion: the conclusion should be considered as the gateway to the actual research work of the internship. It should recapitulate the main points of the literature study on the subject, which will lead to the development of a working plan
new theories; development of a new method;
identification of a scenario barely covered or not covered at all in the literature;
Other important tips
To give you a precise idea of the content of a bibliography, it is a good idea to study easily available examples (internship reports, PhD theses, articles, etc.). Discussions with your supervisor will enable you to make the most of his or her expert knowledge of the field so that you can put any specific aspects (classifications, particular cases, theories, etc.) to good use.
You should try to produce a structured document with a main thread. This can be achieved by paying particular attention to the report plan.
Finally, the document, as with all the work that you will have to produce during this Master’s year and throughout your future career, must be readable and should therefore contain no spelling or typographical errors. For this last point, please consult the basic rules set out here.
Details: internship report
"Feedback" guidelines, please refer to our manager for more relevant guidelines for the domain
- No absolute min-max number for pages. Advice between 40 and 50.
- Use of appendices allowed
- The bibliography should be adapted and placed at the beginning of the report. This section should take up about 1/3 of the report.
- The report must be self-contained. In particular, it should not be helpful to have read the bibliography before the report.