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Draft: Log intervention hardware

Pierre Neyron requested to merge hw-log into master

Format proposé:

# 2023-10-16
- ISSUE: Systematic boot failure in BIOS
- ACTION: remove/put back all components except CPU + 1 DIMM/CPU
- ACTORS: Pierre N with Dell support on phone
- INT_REF: Bugzilla 14987
- EXT_REF: Dell 07442371767


  • ISSUE: Systematic boot failure in BIOS
  • ACTION: remove/put back all components except CPU + 1 DIMM/CPU
  • RESULT: Boot OK
  • ACTORS: Pierre N with Dell support on phone
  • INT_REF: Bugzilla 14987
  • EXT_REF: Dell 07442371767

On pourrait ajouter une command rake qui remplit le template, avec a priori la date du jour, l'acteur, ..., puis a la sortie fait eventuellement un sanity check puis commit.

Edited by Pierre Neyron

Merge request reports
