Downloading resources properties from ...
... done
Output format: [ '-', 'key', 'value'] for missing, [ '+', 'key', 'value'] for added, ['~', 'key', 'old value', 'new value'] for changed
clustera-1: OK
clustera-2: OK
clustera-3: OK
clustera-4: OK
clustera-5: OK
clustera-6: OK
clustera-7: OK
clustera-8: OK
clustera-9: OK
clustera-10: OK
clustera-11: OK
clustera-12: OK
clustera-13: OK
Properties existing on the fakesite server but not managed/known by the generator: disk, diskpath.
Hint: you can delete properties with 'oarproperty -d <property>' or add them to the ignore list in lib/lib-oar-properties.rb.