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Add recipe extension template for recipe created by users

Pierre Neyron requested to merge add_recipe_erb into master

Add recipe template, to help users when extending recipes, e.g. kameleon new centos grid5000/centos7-ppc64-min will give

# vim: softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab fenc=utf-8 cc=81 tw=80
# DESCRIPTION: Recipe extending a Grid'5000 environment recipe supported by
# the technical team. The build will be similar to the one of the supported
# environments, involving puppet notably.
# This recipe extends another. To look at the step involed, run:
#   kameleon dryrun centos.yaml
# To see the variables that you can override, use the following command:
#   kameleon info centos.yaml
extend: grid5000/centos7-ppc64-min.yaml

  ### Uncomment and adapt the global variables below as needed

  ## Export format to generate
  # appliance_formats: qcow2 tar.zst

  ## Environment description customization
  ## Author
  # g5k_author: ""
  ## Version
  # g5k_version: 1
  ## Environment image path and compression
  # g5k_tar_path: local:///path/to/your/image
  # g5k_tar_compression: "zstd"
  ## Environment postinstall path, compression, and script command
  # g5k_postinst_path: server:///grid5000/postinstalls/g5k-postinstall.tgz
  # g5k_postinst_compression: "gzip"
  # g5k_postinst_script: g5k-postinstall --net debian
  ## Environment kernel path and params
  # g5k_kernel_path: "/vmlinuz"
  # g5k_initrd_path: "/initrd.img"
  # g5k_kernel_params: ""
  ## Environment visibility
  # g5k_visibility: "shared"

  ## Other parameters can be changed, see kameleon info centos.yaml

  ### The bootstrap section takes in charge the initial installation of the
  ## system (distribution installation). No modification should be needed here.
  - "@base"

  ### The setup section is where customizations of the system take place.
  ## We can request steps from the extended recipe to be executed
  - "@base"
  ## We add steps required by our customization after or before @base. Use
  ## kameleon dryrun centos.yaml to see the resulting steps in the build.
  ## The following is given as example only, replace with your steps.
  - a_customization_step:
    - microstep1:
      - exec_in: echo "Hello world!"
    - microstep1:
      # This breakpoint will stop the build for inspecting the environment
      - breakpoint

  ### The export section takes in charge the export of your customized Grid'5000
  ## environment. No modification should be needed here.
  - "@base"

as set in the .extend.yaml.erb file.

It is also possible to specialize the erb for each recipe, by creating .<recipe>.extend.yaml.erb files.

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