Emmanuel Thomé authored
Updated copyright lines and dates in source files. Used automated scripts for that. for f in $(git ls-files '*.c') ; do echo -ne "$f\t" ; git log --follow --pretty=format:%ad $f | perl -ne '/(20\d\d)/ && print "$1\n";' | uniq | tac | xargs perl -e 'print join(", ", @ARGV), "\n";' ; done | while read f dates ; do sed -e 's/^\( *Copyright\) *[0-9, ]*$/\1 '"$dates/" -i $f ; done git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/gf2x@165 e5c1114b-a573-4582-9dac-f72f410959ce
295f8cf7Emmanuel Thomé authoredUpdated copyright lines and dates in source files. Used automated scripts for that. for f in $(git ls-files '*.c') ; do echo -ne "$f\t" ; git log --follow --pretty=format:%ad $f | perl -ne '/(20\d\d)/ && print "$1\n";' | uniq | tac | xargs perl -e 'print join(", ", @ARGV), "\n";' ; done | while read f dates ; do sed -e 's/^\( *Copyright\) *[0-9, ]*$/\1 '"$dates/" -i $f ; done git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/gf2x@165 e5c1114b-a573-4582-9dac-f72f410959ce
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 only.
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