This repository contains multiple projects related to float-to-fix converstion.
The following is about building and running typeexploration.*
projects, initially written by Antoine Morvan.
Gecos Type Exploration Flow
Objectives :
- build Gecos float2fix source from sources in Eclipse and run it;
- See this page for installing from Update Site;
- User documentation is available here bundles/fr.irisa.cairn.gecos.typeexploration/;
- Demos are located in the fr.irisa.cairn.gecos.typeexploration.demo project;
- If proper plugins are exported Eclipse Wizard is also available (New / Example... / Gecos / GeCoS Type Exporation);
Building the Flow from Source
Make sure to have Java 8+ and Maven 3.5.0+ installed on your system. Building Maven projects and installing Eclipse plugins requires Internet connection.
Download Required Projects from Git Repository
From, clone following repositories:
- gecos-builtools
- gecos-core
- gecos-float2fix
- gecos-framework
- gecos-testframework
- under GeCoS Tools:
- gecos-tools-emf
- gecos-tools-graph
- gecos-tools-tommapping
- gecos-tools-tomsdk
Install Parent Project in Local M2 repo
In order to prevent errors in later Maven resolving steps when building with Eclipse, it is necessary to first install the gecos-buildtools project in the local Maven repository. To do so, open a terminal in the gecos-buildtools and run mvn clean install
$ cd ~/git/gecos-buildtools/
$ mvn clean install
Setup Eclipse and required Plugins
In order to build Gecos F2F in Eclipse, you need a set of extra plugins to support Xtext and Xtend.
- Downlad Eclipse Modeling Tools from packages list at
- Run Eclipse and select an empty workspace
- Help / Install New Software...
- Select repository "2018-12 -"
- Select the following features
- Programming Languages / C/C++ Development Tools SDK
- Modeling / Eclipse Modeling Framework Xcore SDK
- Modeling / MWE 2 runtime SDK
- Modeling / MWE 2 language SDK
- Click on Next then follow procedure then restart Eclipse when asked
Import Projects and Build
After Eclipse restart, import and build projects:
- File / Import ...
- General / Existing Projects into Workspace
- Select root directory / select the git folder where all the git repositories are
- Make sur the box "Search for nested projects" is ticked
- In the list of projects, unselect the following projects:
- gecos-buildtools
- test_basenlm
- Click on Finish and wait for the build process to terminate
- Some error should appear because of missing resources. Simply create the folders on the projects:
- fr.irisa.cairn.gecos.testframework.resources/src
- fr.irisa.cairn.gecos.model/xtend-gen
- fr.irisa.cairn.eclipse.tom/src
- If some errors are still present, click on Project / Clean ... and clean all projets.
Run Gecos F2F
- The exploration tool is invoked by Compiler Script commands
- Command TypesExploration takes a GecosProject and a path to property file
- Run TypesExploration(".") to generate a default property file
- See 'fr.irisa.cairn.gecos.typeexploration.demo/demos/conv/' for an example