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Franck Desaize's avatar
Franck Desaize committed

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pm committed

## Prerequisites

- Java 17 with maven.
- WildFly 30.0.1 is deployed
- [Patient Registry]( is installed.
- [HTTP Validator]( is installed.
- [Matchbox]( is installed.

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### Build project locally

After cloning this repository to your local installation launch.  
Check that the JAVA_HOME is set correctly to Java 17.
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pm committed

    > mvn clean install

from the project root directory.

The artifact `pixm-connector.war` will be created in target/ directory.
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### Deploy on WildFly server

After building the project through Maven, the artifact created just has to be added to your local WildFly installation
in the folder

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pm committed

A `` file has to be created in folder `/opt/pixm-connector` with following content:

  patientregistry.url = https://{{host}}/patient-registry/PatientProcessingService/patient-processing-service?wsdl
  xrefpatientregistry.url = https://{{host}}/patient-registry/CrossReferenceService/xref-processing-service?wsdl
Here is a quick overview of the available functionality from PIXm connector
| Operation                      | HTTP Methods | URL to call                                                                                                                    | Entry parameter                                               | Returned value                           |
| Create/Update Patient          | PUT          | ```{FHIR.server.address}/Patient?identifier={{patient.system}}\|{{}}```                                              | ITI-104 Patient identifier                                    | ITI-104 FHIR Patient                     |
| Delete Patient                 | DELETE       | ```{FHIR.server.address}/Patient/?identifier={{patient.system}}\|{{}}```                                             | ITI-104 Patient identifier                                    | /                                        |
| Merge Patient                  | PUT          | ```{FHIR.server.address}/Patient/?identifier={{patient.system}}\|{{}}```                                             | ITI-104 Patient identifier w/ to Patient to keep | ITI-104 FHIR Patient                     |
| Check Cross Referenced Patient | GET          | ```{FHIR.server.address}/Patient/$ihe-pix?sourceIdentifier={{patient.system}}\|{{}}&targetSystem={{targetSystem}}``` | A Patient sourceIdentifier and a TargetDomain                 | ITI-83 FHIR Parameters with X-ref values |
Capability statement of the application can be found with : <>
As described in [HAPI FHIR resources](, some strings are automatically escaped when the FHIR server parses URLs:
- `"|"` &rarr; `"%7C"`
- `"=>="` &rarr; `"=%3E%3D"`
- `"=<="` &rarr; `"=%3C%3D"`
- `"=>"` &rarr; `"=%3E"`
- `"=<"` &rarr; `"=%3C"`
Each operation implies a validation of requests for both ITI-104 and ITI-83 transactions.  
Validation is done by calling:
- [HTTP Validator]( for URL and Headers.
- [Matchbox]( for Body with FHIR Resource.
Both validators allow to perform validation and have high customization if specifications changed for both transactions without refactoring pixm-connector application.  
An error during validation process will result with an OperationOutcome with error `400 Bad Request` with issues describing where it failed.
## Request a Patient Cross Reference on a specific Target Identifier (ITI-83)
- [IHE Specifications](
Request a cross-referenced Patient is possible thanks to the `$ihe-pixm`.
- The Patient Identifier and the Target System attributed to this identifier as `sourceIdentfier`
- The Target System you want the cross-reference from as `targetSystem`.
- The format returned as `_format`. `xml` AND `json` are the only values. 
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pm committed
  GET {wildfly18.address}/pixm-connector/fhir/Patient/$ihe-pix
For example :
Given the Patient with the `id=69420` with the `system=urn:oid:` as `sourceIdentifer=system|id`  
And you want the cross-referenced patient in the `targetSystem=`  
And you want the returned response as a `json`.
The corresponding url will be :
## Requests on Patient resources (ITI-104)
- [IHE Specifications](
Link: <>
PIXm connector accepts the creation of a Patient in the Patient Manager.
Although a Patient could be created without any information in the HL7 model, PIXm connector will only allow a Patient
to be created with minimum and/or mandatory information to permits cross-reference thanks to validation with Matchbox.
The Resource could not be parsed or failed basic FHIR validation rules. 
In the case of an error `400 Bad Request` or `422 Unprocessable Entity` being returned,
please check the following guidelines to verify your query.
Create/Update request is done through a FHIR conditional update mechanism ([cond-update]( where the patient identifier has to be given as following.
    PUT {wildfly18.address}/pixm-connector/fhir/Patient/identifier=urn:oid:|IHERED-m94

With body :


  "resourceType" : "Patient",
  "id" : "Patient-MaidenAlice-Red",
  "meta" : {
    "profile" : [
  "text" : {
    "status" : "generated",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"\"><p style=\"border: 1px #661aff solid; background-color: #e6e6ff; padding: 10px;\"><b>ALICE MOHR </b> female, DoB: 1958-01-30 ( id:\u00a0IHERED-m94)</p><hr/><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td style=\"background-color: #f3f5da\" title=\"Record is active\">Active:</td><td colspan=\"3\">true</td></tr></table></div>"
  "identifier" : [
      "system" : "urn:oid:",
      "value" : "IHERED-m94"
  "active" : true,
  "name" : [
      "family" : "MOHR",
      "given" : [
  "gender" : "female",
  "birthDate" : "1958-01-30"
If the patient exists then it is updated otherwise it is created.
The response will return the updated/created patient.
### Merge for resolving duplicated patient
Link : <>
The merge method allows the user to merge two patients together if two registered patients represent the same people.  
This action is **irreversible** as it deactivates a resource making it only readable and immutable.
The request is a PUT method with the Patient to deactivate with a `activate: false` attribute and a `link` field with identifier for the kept patient resource.
Accept: application/fhir+json
Content-Type: application/fhir+json
  "resourceType": "Patient",
  "identifier": [
      "system": "urn:oid:",
      "value": "IHERED-m94"
  "active": false,
  "name": [
      "family": "MOHR",
      "given": [
  "gender": "female",
  "birthDate": "1958-01-30",
  "link": [
      "other": {
        "identifier": {
          "system": "urn:oid:",
          "value": "IHERED-994"
      "type": "replaced-by"
### Delete one or more patient(s).
Link: <> 
The delete operation allows suppression of the patient with its identifier thanks to a conditional deletion.
This application allows multiple deletion if the identifier returned more than one Patient.
Accept: application/fhir+json
if the delete is successful the application returns a `200 OK` response otherwise it would be a `204 No Content`.
Malformed requests can cause different types of error, for now `422 Unprocessable Entity` is mostly returned.  
Future features will allow a better granularity for code returned.