- a deployed Matchbox application: <https://github.com/ahdis/matchbox> with CH-ELM IG imported and a set up EVSClient application to manage Matchbox validation for ch-elm
- having this parameter in system environment (or in .env in case of Docker deployment)
|elm.server.base.url|https://www.example.com/elm-simulator/fhir|The URL of the deployed application|
|elm.done.elapse.time.ms|10000|To simulate the processing in step 4, a timer in millisecond is set. After this specific delay Document elm-status will be automatically updated to "complete" status|
|datahouse.page.limit|10000|The page limit of datahouse, SHOULD always be superior to elm pagination|
|elm.server.evs.endpoint|https://example.com/evs/rest/validations| The URL of Gazelle EVS Client to send validation request|
|elm.server.validation.enabled|true| Activate the validation process, should always be true in production|
|fhir.validation.name|MatchboxV3| Name of the validation service set in evs|
|elm.server.validation.profile.publish.documentReference|http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/StructureDefinition/PublishDocumentReference\|1.3.1|The canoncial URL of Validation Profile for CH:ELM publish docuementReference|
|Publish A DocumentReference|POST|https://example.com/elm-simulator/fhir/ch/DocumentReference|X|- If validation passed: The given DocumentReference with a 201 Created HTTP Code and elm-status=in-progress<br/>- If validation failed : a link to the validation report with an failed status|X|
|Get DocumentReference|GET|https://example.com/elm-simulator/fhir/ch/DocumentReference/{id}|id = id of the resource|The queried resource|X|
|Search DocumentReference|GET|https://example.com/elm-simulator/fhir/ch/DocumentReference?param1=value1[¶mN=valueN..]|elm-status = {completed \| in-progress \| failed} <br/><br/> date = {dateTime format} <br/><br/> _lastUpdated = {dateTime format} <br/><br/> identifier = {system\|value}|The queried resource with the given parameters|the params can also be used to sort the result with "_sort=", pagination is also supported with "_count=" parameter|
Capability statement of the application can be found with : <https://example.com/elm-simulator/fhir/ch/metadata>