You shall have previously defined your GitLab user: git config --global ""
### Usage of git
To update your local copy
git rebase .
Once your work is ready, you can commit locally
git add filenames
git commit -m "blah blah" filenames
And then push all the local commits on Git Lab
git push
## Generate documentation
install required software
from `gazelle-dev-documentation` folder run:
sudo apt-get install make git git-svn texlive-xetex pandoc ruby-dev
$ make setup
# will install requirement on the computer
Then, from `gazelle-dev-documentation` folder run to install some more libs and required gems
$ make
# will generate all the documents and the website
make setup
$ make view
# will generate all the documents and start jekyll
### Generate the documents and the website
from a project folder run:
### Generate all the documents and start Jekyll (do not use in production)
make view
$ make release-notes
# will generate the PDF version of the release notes
### Generate the PDF version of the release note
make release-notes
Check target folder for results
Check target/ folder for results
## Folder structure
@@ -76,7 +58,7 @@ Check target folder for results
| |--Makefile
| |--media/
| |
| |--release-notes/
| |--release-notes/
| | | (one file per release, named with version identifier)
| |--target/ (Created at compile time)
@@ -85,7 +67,7 @@ Check target folder for results
| |--Makefile
| |--media/
| |
| |--release-notes/
| |--release-notes/
| | | (one file per release, named with version identifier)
| |--target/ (Created at compile time)
@@ -108,7 +90,7 @@ The YAML header is used by Jekyll and pandoc to generate menus and front pages,
The YAML header is used by Jekyll and pandoc to generate menus and front pages, make sure all the metadata are present and up-to-date. The *.md files must start with the YAML header.