| Retrieve Care Services Resource | GET | ```https://example.com/mcsd-simulator/fhir/ch/{Resource}/{id}``` | ID for a specific ITI-90 MCSD Fhir resource | the desired ITI-90 Resource |/|
| Retrieve Care Services Resource | GET | ```https://example.com/mcsd-simulator/fhir/ihe/{Resource}/{id}``` | ID for a specific ITI-90 MCSD Fhir resource | the desired ITI-90 Resource |/|
| Find Matching Care Services | GET | ```https://example.com/mcsd-simulator/fhir/ch/{Resource}?name=value&...{&_format=[mime-type]}}``` | Parameters to search for specific ITI-90 MCSD Fhir resourceITI-90 | A bundle containing 0 to many ITI-90 MCSD Fhir Specific corresponding to search criteria | /|
| Find Matching Care Services | GET | ```https://example.com/mcsd-simulator/fhir/ihe/{Resource}?name=value&...{&_format=[mime-type]}}``` | Parameters to search for specific ITI-90 MCSD Fhir resourceITI-90 | A bundle containing 0 to many ITI-90 MCSD Fhir Specific corresponding to search criteria | /|
| Find Matching Care Services | POST | ```https://example.com/mcsd-simulator/fhir/ch/{Resource}/_search{?[parameters]{&_format=[mime-type]}}``` | Parameters to search for specific ITI-90 MCSD Fhir resourceITI-90 | A bundle containing 0 to many ITI-90 MCSD Fhir Specific corresponding to search criteria | The parameters have to be provided in the body with a `Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded `|
| Find Matching Care Services | POST | ```https://example.com/mcsd-simulator/fhir/ihe/{Resource}/_search{?[parameters]{&_format=[mime-type]}}``` | Parameters to search for specific ITI-90 MCSD Fhir resourceITI-90 | A bundle containing 0 to many ITI-90 MCSD Fhir Specific corresponding to search criteria | The parameters have to be provided in the body with a `Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded `|
Capability statement of the application can be found with : <https://example.com/mcsd-simulator/fhir/ch/metadata>
Capability statement of the application can be found with : <https://example.com/mcsd-simulator/fhir/ihe/metadata>
As described in [HAPI FHIR resources](https://hapifhir.io/hapi-fhir/docs/server_plain/rest_operations_operations.html), some strings are automatically escaped when the FHIR server parses URLs:
As described in [HAPI FHIR resources](https://hapifhir.io/hapi-fhir/docs/server_plain/rest_operations_operations.html), some strings are automatically escaped when the FHIR server parses URLs: