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- feature/TEXEC-5-SelectTestingSessions
- bugfix/GZL-5611-partner_numerator_evaluation
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- bugfix/gzl-5615-test-session-npe
- feature/dependencies-scan
- bugfix/GZL-5610-inaccurate_partners_shown
- feature/EHSBP-1891-StudyVulScan
- develop protected
- bugfix/sequoia-611-auditmessage-redirection
- bugfix/EHS-572-All-assertions-not-shown-in-test-cases
- feature/GDH-227-Rename-RAW-into-Raw-TCP
- bugfix/gzl-5241-sut-list-refresh
- bugfix/GZL-5443-undefined-report
- bugfix/ANSBP-358-print_empty_pdf
- bugfix/eucat-124-grading-entries-light
- bugfix/GZL-5173
- bugfix/eucat-124-10.0.0
- bugfix/GZL-5264-proxy-port-duplicated
- release/TestLicenseAnalysisOnRelevantProjet
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Achraf Achkari x-AAchka
Adrien Anodeau x-AAnode
Alain Ribault x-aribau
Alexandre Pocinho x-APocin
amandine debaets x-adebae
Anne-Gaëlle Bergé aberge
aymeric sanchez x-ysanchez
Cédric Eoche-Duval ceoche
Claude Lusseau x-CLusse
clement lagorce x-clagor
Daniel Berezeanu x-DaBerez
Daniel Graveto x-DGrave
Fanny Serre x-FSerre
Florian Perrouin x-FPerro
Gazelle GitlabCI gazelle-ci
**** group_5099_bot_df32cdfaff88256e5c1523a7ad99b192
Industrialization Owner bcu
Jenkins Gazelle jenkins
julien lagorce x-jlagor
- Oct 24, 2014
GZL-3419 update, updated first import and a vagrantfile to quickly... · af3170fcjean-françois Labbé authored
GZL-3419 update, updated first import and a vagrantfile to quickly make a gazelle-TM running git-svn-id: 356b4b1a-1d2b-0410-8bf1-ffa24008f01e