> Notice: the install of gazelle-objects-checker will be done in the [Generate Artifact](#generateArtifact) section.<br>
You can skip tests if you want, but it's not recommand to do.
@@ -91,17 +99,19 @@ The unit tests are _environement independents_.
The integration tests create some temporary resources (UML Models) using the `uml-modes` (no need to have it installed locally, it has been packaged in [Nexus](https://gazelle.ihe.net/nexus/#nexus-search;quick~uml-models))
**Run Unit tests**
>`cd gazelle-objects-checker`
> `mvn test`
>cd gazelle-objects-checker
> mvn test
**Run Integration Tests**
>`cd gazelle-objects-checker`
> `mvn verify`
>cd gazelle-objects-checker
> mvn verify
If Something went wrong, make sure you have mentioned in maven logs:
- Resources created successfully
- Ressources deleted successfully
@@ -144,11 +154,11 @@ After having all tests working _(not mandatory but recommanded)_ we can now inst
The Artifact generated is a `.jar` suffixed by `jar-with-dependencies` as it's created as a **standalone** application.