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Created with Raphaël 2.2.024Aug30Jul20Jan175Nov424Oct16713Sep226Aug876add a function to compute the dot product between legendre polynomialmastermasterstarted to implement compute_v_dot_p functionfix a bug in compute_log_w_primeadd a function which computes the logarithmic derivative of whittaker_wrewrite the call of each test using the parse_tests_file macroadd a function for computing real legendre polynomial using a recursionadd a check code to sage scriptcomplete the Readmeadd a legendre_p call with testadd the forgotten modificationsreorganize the repositoryadd a robust gamma function based on acb_gammachange Readmeadd a whittaker_M function : beware 1_F1(a,b,c) is normalized Γ(b)Add LICENSEadd a spherical bessel y function with theta and phi argumentsrewrite also test_whittakerW using modulesadd a module for bessels function : less messy !modify calling complex interfaces using the %re and %im trickadd a spherical bessel j $j_n(z) = sqrt(\pi/2/z) bessel_J(n+1/2,z)$change the READMEadd the bessel_y function (it seems to work)add the bessels fortran tests and rename some filesAdd a bessel_j function with a fixed precision (test pass)change name of python and sage scriptsAdd a loop around whittaker_with_prec to increase precision if it is not add a gitignore fileNow whittaker with complex arguments worksnow the test works, it remains to make work the complex calling inAdd a whittaker function directly computed with arb not yet testedmodify readme usind codeblockscommit initial