Use Alcotest for the test suite.
Merge request reports
The motivation for this change are as follows:
- To get rid of the need for manual logging in the testing code (Alcotest captures stdout by itself, so tests are slightly simpler to write)
- (superficial) to get nicer-looking test output
The MR does get rid of the
module, but the "captures stdout" part only works half-nicely, as Alcotest output capture does not work too well with QCheck-based tests (it will print the output of all random attempts for a failed random test). The output is still nicer, and we think that the use of a standard test framework is a reasonable choice (we don't want to have to think too much when extending the testsuite), so I am planning to review the MR for implementation quality and then merge.353 352 arb 354 353 prop 355 354 ) pairs in 356 QCheck_runner.set_seed 0; 357 let debug_shrink = None (* use (Some stdout) for a shrinking trace *) in 358 let _ = QCheck_runner.run_tests ~colors:true ~verbose:true ~debug_shrink tests in 359 Printf.printf 360 "In total, %d out of %d terms (%.1f%%) were considered well-typed.\n%!" 361 !count_success !count_total 362 (float !count_success /. float !count_total *. 100.); 363 Printf.printf "No problem detected.\n%!" 355 356 (* Note that we need to initialize the random state on each test. *) @omartino is it possible to check, for example by introducing a bug in the code or in one of the random tests, that the random seed is correctly set? (As in: the behavior of running the random testsuite several time should be exactly the same, with the same tests generated).
- Resolved by MARTINOT Olivier
mentioned in commit 0cb6d6ea