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(* Fix *)
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(* François Pottier, Inria Paris *)
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(* Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the *)
(* terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a *)
(* special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(**This module offers support for {b setting up a hash-consed data type},
that is, a data type whose values carry unique integer identifiers. *)
POTTIER Francois
(**The type ['data cell] describes a cell that carries a unique identifier
This type is marked [private], which means that the user has no direct
way of allocating cells. Instead, the user must apply the functor {!Make}
(below) to obtain a function [make] which either allocates a fresh cell
or returns an existing cell. The user is still allowed to read existing
cells. *)
type 'data cell = private
{ id: int; data: 'data }
(**[id cell] returns the integer identifier of the cell [cell]. *)
(**[data cell] returns the payload of the cell [cell]. *)
(**Cells come with an equality test {!equal}, a comparison function
{!compare}, and and a hash function {!hash}. These functions exploit the
cell's unique identifier only: the data is ignored.
As a result, wherever a module of signature [HashedType with type t = foo
cell] is expected, the module {!HashCons} can be supplied. This holds
regardless of the type [foo]. *)
(**[equal] determines whether two cells are the same cell.
It is based on the cells' integer identifiers. *)
(**[compare] implements a total order on cells,
It is based on the cells' integer identifiers. *)
(**[hash] is a hash function on cells.
It is based on the cells' integer identifiers. *)
(**A hash-consing service allocates uniquely-numbered cells for data. The
smart constructor [make] either allocates a fresh cell or returns an
existing cell, as appropriate. *)
module type SERVICE = sig
type data
val make: data -> data cell
(**The functor {!Make} expects a type [data] for which a memoizer exists, and
produces a hash-consing service for it. *)
module Make
: SERVICE with type data = M.key
(**{!ForHashedType} is a special case of {!Make} where it
suffices to pass a hashed type [T] as an argument. A
hash table is used to hold the memoization table. *)
: SERVICE with type data = T.t
(**{!ForHashedTypeWeak} is a special case of {!Make} where it
suffices to pass a hashed type [T] as an argument. A weak
hash table is used to hold the memoization table. *)
: SERVICE with type data = T.t