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Commit bd103557 authored by POTTIER Francois's avatar POTTIER Francois
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Add [Bigint.random] and use it in [sample].

parent 7e057243
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......@@ -6,5 +6,3 @@
* Define a combinator [smap] where the user function [f] has access to the
size of the data.
* Fix [random_bigint] so that it works above 2^30.
......@@ -8,27 +8,18 @@ include IFSeqSyn.Make(Z)
let bigsum ss =
List.fold_left sum zero ss
(* For some reason, [Z.random] does not exist. *)
(* For some reason, [] stops working at [2^30]. *)
(* This is troublesome. *)
let random_bigint (n : Z.t) : Z.t =
let open Z in
if n < one lsl 30 then
Z.of_int ( (Z.to_int n))
failwith "Can't sample over more than 2^30 elements."
(* TEMPORARY really unsatisfactory! *)
(* Extract a randomly chosen sample of [m] elements out of a sequence [s]. *)
(* We do not protect against repetitions, as they are unlikely when [s] is
long. *)
(* For some reason, [Z.random] does not exist, and [] stops
working at [2^30]. [Bigint.random] works around these problems. *)
let rec sample (m : int) (s : 'a seq) (k : 'a Seq.t) : 'a Seq.t =
if m > 0 then
fun () ->
let i = random_bigint (length s) in
let i = Bigint.random (length s) in
let x = get s i in
Seq.Cons (x, sample (m - 1) s k)
(* Uniform random generation of large integers. Copied and adapted from Jane
Street's bignum library. *)
(* [random state range] chooses a [depth] and generates random values using
[Random.State.bits state], called [1 lsl depth] times and concatenated. The
preliminary result [n] therefore satisfies [0 <= n < 1 lsl (30 lsl depth)].
In order for the random choice to be uniform between [0] and [range-1],
there must exist [k > 0] such that [n < k * range <= 1 lsl (30 lsl depth)].
If so, [n % range] is returned. Otherwise the random choice process is
repeated from scratch.
The [depth] value is chosen so that repeating is uncommon (1 in 1000 or
less). *)
let bits_at_depth (depth : int) : int =
30 lsl depth
let range_at_depth (depth : int) : Z.t =
Z.(one lsl (bits_at_depth depth))
let rec choose_bit_depth_for_range_from range depth =
if Z.geq (range_at_depth depth) range then depth
else choose_bit_depth_for_range_from range (depth + 1)
let choose_bit_depth_for_range (range : Z.t) : int =
choose_bit_depth_for_range_from range 0
let rec random_bigint_at_depth (state : Random.State.t) depth : Z.t =
if depth = 0 then
Z.of_int (Random.State.bits state)
let depth = depth - 1 in
let prefix = random_bigint_at_depth state depth in
let suffix = random_bigint_at_depth state depth in
Z.(prefix lsl (bits_at_depth depth) lor suffix)
let random_value_is_uniform_in_range range depth n =
let k = Z.(range_at_depth depth / range) in n Z.(k * range)
let rec large_random_at_depth state range depth =
let result = random_bigint_at_depth state depth in
if random_value_is_uniform_in_range range depth result
then Z.(result mod range)
else large_random_at_depth state range depth
let large_random state range =
let tolerance_factor = Z.of_int 1000 in
let depth = choose_bit_depth_for_range Z.(range * tolerance_factor) in
large_random_at_depth state range depth
let random state range =
if Z.leq range then
failwith (Printf.sprintf "Bigint.random: argument %s <= 0" (Z.to_string range))
else if range Z.(one lsl 30) then
Z.of_int ( state (Z.to_int range))
large_random state range
let random range =
random (Random.get_state()) range
(* Uniform random generation of large integers. *)
val random: Z.t -> Z.t
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