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Commit 4b70f66c authored by POTTIER Francois's avatar POTTIER Francois
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parent e2b2324f
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......@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ module type ENUM = sig
(**[sample m e i j k] is a sequence of at most [m] elements of every size
comprised between [i] (included) and [j] (excluded) extracted out of the
enumeration [e], prepended in front of the existing sequence [k]. At
every size, if there at most [m] elements of this size, then all elements
of this size are produced; otherwise, a random sample of [m] elements of
this size is produced. *)
every size, if there are at most [m] elements of this size, then all
elements of this size are produced; otherwise, a random sample of [m]
elements of this size is produced. *)
val sample: int -> 'a enum -> int -> int -> 'a Seq.t -> 'a Seq.t
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ module type IFSEQ_EXTENDED = sig
(**[sample m s k] is an explicit sequence of at most [m] elements extracted
out of the implicit sequence [s], prepended in front of the existing
sequence [k]. If [length s] at most [m], then all elements of [s] are
sequence [k]. If [length s] is at most [m], then all elements of [s] are
produced. Otherwise, a random sample of [m] elements extracted out of [s]
is produced. *)
val sample: int -> 'a seq -> 'a Seq.t -> 'a Seq.t
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