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Commit 8f7b8280 authored by BESSON Frederic's avatar BESSON Frederic
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Official Nelson-Oppen support

parent b808720c
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......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ dev-repo: "git://"
authors: ["Frédéric Besson"]
bug-reports: ""
license: "GPL 3"
synopsis: "'itauto' is a reflexive SAT solver parameterised by a leaf tactic"
synopsis: "'itauto' is a reflexive SAT solver parameterised by a leaf tactic and Nelson-Oppen support"
build: [
......@@ -15,13 +15,12 @@ install: [
remove: ["rm" "-R" "%{lib}%/coq/user-contrib/Cdcl"]
depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.9~"}
"dune" {>= "2.7.1"}
"coq" {>= "8.13.~" }
"ocamlbuild" {build }
depopts: [ "ocamlformat" {build} ]
tags: [
"keyword:integers" "keyword:SAT" "keyword:SMT" "keyword:automation"
"keyword:integers" "keyword:SAT" "keyword:SMT" "keyword:Nelson-Oppen" "keyword:automation"
......@@ -6,25 +6,10 @@ open Names
open Lazy
(* From *)
let arrow =
let name x =
Context.make_annot (Name.mk_name (Names.Id.of_string x)) Sorts.Relevant
( name "x"
, EConstr.mkProp
, EConstr.mkLambda
( name "y"
, EConstr.mkProp
, EConstr.mkProd
( Context.make_annot Names.Anonymous Sorts.Relevant
, EConstr.mkRel 2
, EConstr.mkRel 2 ) ) )
let is_prop env sigma term =
let sort = Retyping.get_sort_of env sigma term in
Sorts.is_prop sort
let is_arrow env evd a p1 p2 =
is_prop env evd p1
&& is_prop
......@@ -35,7 +20,6 @@ let is_arrow env evd a p1 p2 =
let decompose_app env evd e =
match EConstr.kind evd e with
| Prod (a, p1, p2) when is_arrow env evd a p1 p2 -> (arrow, [|p1; p2|])
| App (c, a) -> (c, a)
| _ -> (EConstr.whd_evar evd e, [||])
......@@ -198,12 +182,12 @@ let rec remember_term thy env evd senv t =
((EConstr.mkVar id, p), senv)
with Not_found -> (
let c, a = decompose_app env evd t in
let c, a, p =
let a, p =
match declared_term thy env evd c a with
| c, a -> (c, a, Arith)
| c, a -> (a, Arith)
| exception Not_found ->
if isVar evd c && a = [||] && is_declared_type thy env evd (Retyping.get_type_of env evd c)
then (c, a, Arith) else (c, a, NonArith)
then (a, Arith) else (a, NonArith)
let a, senv =
......@@ -220,6 +204,8 @@ let rec remember_term thy env evd senv t =
let a, senv = names Arith a senv in
((EConstr.mkApp (c, Array.of_list a), NonArith), senv) )
(* TODO: traverse other propositional connectives.
let rec remember_prop thy env evd senv t =
match EConstr.kind evd t with
| Prod(a,p1,p2) when is_arrow env evd a p1 p2 ->
......@@ -336,7 +322,7 @@ let rec solve_with select by (tacl : (unit Proofview.tactic * int) list) =
| [] -> Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str "Cannot prove using any prover")
| (tac, i) :: tacl ->
if select i then
(by tac >>= fun () -> Proofview.tclUNIT i)
(fun _ -> solve_with select by tacl)
else solve_with select by tacl
......@@ -348,7 +334,7 @@ let no_tacs thy tacl =
match ll with
| [] -> Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str "Cannot prove any equation")
| (e1, ty, e2) :: ll ->
( solve_with (fun _ -> true) (prove_equation s e1 ty e2) tacl
>>= fun i -> Proofview.tclUNIT (i, List.rev_append acc ll) )
(fun _ -> prove_one_equation s ((e1, ty, e2) :: acc) ll)
......@@ -356,7 +342,7 @@ let no_tacs thy tacl =
let rec no_tac s ll =
prove_one_equation s [] ll
>>= fun (i, ll') ->
(solve_with (fun i' -> i <> i') (fun x -> x) tacl)
(fun e -> no_tac (Nameops.Subscript.succ s) ll')
......@@ -384,7 +370,7 @@ let no_tac thy tac1 tac2 =
let thy = EConstr.of_constr
(UnivGen.constr_of_monomorphic_global thy) in
let tacs = List.mapi (fun i t -> (t, i)) [tac1; tac2] in
Proofview.tclOR (solve_with_any tacs) (fun _ -> no_tacs thy tacs)
Proofview.tclORELSE (solve_with_any tacs) (fun _ -> no_tacs thy tacs)
let purify_tac thy =
let thy = EConstr.of_constr
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