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Commit 0a279daf authored by BESSON Frederic's avatar BESSON Frederic
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Fix coq 8.14

parent 08d06d8a
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Tags 8.14.0
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......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ ifneq (,$(COQBIN))
all : theories/Itauto.vo theories/NOlia.vo theories/NOlra.vo
theories/Prover.vo src/ : CoqMakefile
......@@ -5,4 +5,6 @@ theories/PatriciaR.v
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ install: [
depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.9~" & < "4.13~"}
"coq" {>= "8.13.~" }
"coq" {>= "8.14.~" }
"ocamlbuild" {build }
depopts: [ "ocamlformat" {build} ]
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -44,17 +44,17 @@ Proof.
Instance Zge_dec : DecP2
#[local] Instance Zge_dec : DecP2
unfold DecP2. intros. lia.
Instance Zle_dec : DecP2 Z.le.
#[local] Instance Zle_dec : DecP2 Z.le.
unfold DecP2. intros. lia.
Instance Zeq_dec : DecP2 (@eq Z).
#[local] Instance Zeq_dec : DecP2 (@eq Z).
unfold DecP2. intros. lia.
......@@ -199,14 +199,14 @@ Require Import Bool.
Open Scope bool_scope.
Require Import ZifyClasses.
Program Instance Op_eq_bool : BinRel (@eq bool) :=
#[local] Program Instance Op_eq_bool : BinRel (@eq bool) :=
{TR := fun x y => Is_true (implb x y) /\ Is_true (implb y x) ; TRInj := _ }.
Next Obligation.
destruct n,m; simpl; intuition congruence.
Add Zify BinRel Op_eq_bool.
Program Instance Op_negb : UnOp negb :=
#[local] Program Instance Op_negb : UnOp negb :=
{TUOp := fun x => implb x false ; TUOpInj:= _ }.
Add Zify UnOp Op_negb.
......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ Proof.
destruct (a <=? b); intuition congruence.
Instance leb_le : Reflect.Rbool2 leb := Reflect.mkrbool2 _ _ leb le is_true_le.
Instance le_leb : Reflect.RProp2 le := Reflect.mkrProp2 _ _ le leb is_true_le.
#[local] Instance leb_le : Reflect.Rbool2 leb := Reflect.mkrbool2 _ _ leb le is_true_le.
#[local] Instance le_leb : Reflect.RProp2 le := Reflect.mkrProp2 _ _ le leb is_true_le.
Require Import Cdcl.Itauto.
Require Import Int63.
(* Copyright 2020 Frédéric Besson <> *)
Require Import Cdcl.PatriciaR Cdcl.KeyInt Cdcl.ReifClasses Cdcl.Coqlib.
Require Import Bool Setoid ZifyBool ZArith Int63 Lia List.
Require Import Bool Setoid ZifyBool ZArith Uint63 Lia List.
Import ZifyClasses.
Set Primitive Projections.
......@@ -38,54 +38,54 @@ Ltac destruct_in_hyp H eqn :=
Lemma compare_refl : forall i, (i ?= i)%int63 = Eq.
Lemma compare_refl : forall i, (i ?= i)%uint63 = Eq.
rewrite compare_def_spec.
unfold compare_def.
replace (i <? i)%int63 with false by lia.
replace (i =? i)%int63 with true by lia.
replace (i <? i)%uint63 with false by lia.
replace (i =? i)%uint63 with true by lia.
Lemma compare_Eq : forall x y, (x ?= y)%int63 = Eq <-> (x =? y = true)%int63.
Lemma compare_Eq : forall x y, (x ?= y)%uint63 = Eq <-> (x =? y = true)%uint63.
rewrite compare_def_spec.
unfold compare_def.
destruct (x <?y)%int63 eqn:LT; try congruence.
destruct (x <?y)%uint63 eqn:LT; try congruence.
intuition (congruence || lia).
destruct (x =?y)%int63 ; intuition (congruence || lia).
destruct (x =?y)%uint63 ; intuition (congruence || lia).
Lemma compare_Lt : forall x y, (x ?= y)%int63 = Lt <-> (x <? y = true)%int63.
Lemma compare_Lt : forall x y, (x ?= y)%uint63 = Lt <-> (x <? y = true)%uint63.
rewrite compare_def_spec.
unfold compare_def.
destruct (x <?y)%int63 eqn:LT; try congruence.
destruct (x <?y)%uint63 eqn:LT; try congruence.
intuition (congruence || lia).
destruct (x =?y)%int63 ; intuition (congruence || lia).
destruct (x =?y)%uint63 ; intuition (congruence || lia).
Lemma compare_Gt : forall x y, (x ?= y)%int63 = Gt <-> (y <? x = true)%int63.
Lemma compare_Gt : forall x y, (x ?= y)%uint63 = Gt <-> (y <? x = true)%uint63.
rewrite compare_def_spec.
unfold compare_def.
destruct (x <?y)%int63 eqn:LT; try congruence.
destruct (x <?y)%uint63 eqn:LT; try congruence.
intuition (congruence || lia).
destruct (x =?y)%int63 eqn:EQ; intuition (congruence || lia).
destruct (x =?y)%uint63 eqn:EQ; intuition (congruence || lia).
Ltac elim_compare :=
match goal with
| H : (?X ?= ?Y)%int63 = Eq |- _ => rewrite compare_Eq in H
| H : (?X ?= ?Y)%int63 = Lt |- _ => rewrite compare_Lt in H
| H : (?X ?= ?Y)%int63 = Gt |- _ => rewrite compare_Gt in H
| |- (?X ?= ?Y)%int63 = Eq => rewrite compare_Eq
| |- (?X ?= ?Y)%int63 = Lt => rewrite compare_Lt
| |- (?X ?= ?Y)%int63 = Gt => rewrite compare_Gt
| H : (?X ?= ?Y)%uint63 = Eq |- _ => rewrite compare_Eq in H
| H : (?X ?= ?Y)%uint63 = Lt |- _ => rewrite compare_Lt in H
| H : (?X ?= ?Y)%uint63 = Gt |- _ => rewrite compare_Gt in H
| |- (?X ?= ?Y)%uint63 = Eq => rewrite compare_Eq
| |- (?X ?= ?Y)%uint63 = Lt => rewrite compare_Lt
| |- (?X ?= ?Y)%uint63 = Gt => rewrite compare_Gt
Lemma lift_if : forall (P: bool -> Prop), forall x, (x = true -> P true) /\ (x = false -> P false) -> P x.
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Module HCons.
destruct f ; reflexivity.
Definition eq_hc (f1 f2 : t) := (id f1 =? id f2)%int63 && Bool.eqb (is_dec f1) (is_dec f2).
Definition eq_hc (f1 f2 : t) := (id f1 =? id f2)%uint63 && Bool.eqb (is_dec f1) (is_dec f2).
End S.
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ Qed.
Hint Resolve wf_map_add : wf.
#[local] Hint Resolve wf_map_add : wf.
Lemma wf_map_remove :
forall {A: Type} x
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ Qed.
apply IntMap.wf_remove'; auto.
Hint Resolve wf_map_remove : wf.
#[local] Hint Resolve wf_map_remove : wf.
Inductive op :=
......@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ Inductive op :=
List.fold_right (fun e acc => max (Depth e.(elt)) acc) O l.
Lemma in_max_elt : forall l x (IN: In x l),
Depth (elt x) < S(max_list l).
(Depth (elt x) < S(max_list l))%nat.
induction l; simpl ; auto.
- tauto.
......@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ Inductive op :=
Proof. destruct f ; reflexivity. Qed.
Open Scope int63.
Open Scope uint63.
......@@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ Inductive op :=
destruct (is_positive_literal l); auto with wf.
Hint Resolve wf_map_add_clause_old : wf.
#[local] Hint Resolve wf_map_add_clause_old : wf.
Lemma wf_map_add_clause :
forall l id cl cls
......@@ -2510,13 +2510,13 @@ Inductive op :=
* firstorder.
* firstorder.
* firstorder congruence.
apply 0%int63. (* ?? *)
apply 0%uint63. (* ?? *)
+ simpl.
intuition subst.
firstorder congruence.
apply 0%int63. (* ?? *)
apply 0%uint63. (* ?? *)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -6,25 +6,25 @@ Record ZarithThy : Type.
(** Get the theory from zify *)
Instance CstOpThy (S T: Type) (I : InjTyp S T) (C: S) (COp : @CstOp S T C I) :
#[export] Instance CstOpThy (S T: Type) (I : InjTyp S T) (C: S) (COp : @CstOp S T C I) :
TheorySig ZarithThy C := {}.
Instance UnOpThy (S1 S2 T1 T2: Type)
#[export] Instance UnOpThy (S1 S2 T1 T2: Type)
(I1 : InjTyp S1 T1) (I2 : InjTyp S2 T2)
(unop : S1 -> S2)
(UOp : @UnOp S1 S2 T1 T2 unop I1 I2) :
TheorySig ZarithThy unop := {}.
Instance BinOpThy (S1 S2 S3 T1 T2 T3: Type)
#[export] Instance BinOpThy (S1 S2 S3 T1 T2 T3: Type)
(I1 : InjTyp S1 T1) (I2 : InjTyp S2 T2)
(I3 : InjTyp S3 T3)
(binop : S1 -> S2 -> S3)
(BOp : @BinOp S1 S2 S3 T1 T2 T3 binop I1 I2 I3) :
TheorySig ZarithThy binop := {}.
Instance BinRelThy (S T: Type) (I: InjTyp S T) (R: S -> S -> Prop)
#[export] Instance BinRelThy (S T: Type) (I: InjTyp S T) (R: S -> S -> Prop)
(BR : @BinRel S T R I) : TheorySig ZarithThy R := {}.
Instance InjTypThy (S T: Type) (I: InjTyp S T) : TheoryType ZarithThy S := {}.
#[export] Instance InjTypThy (S T: Type) (I: InjTyp S T) : TheoryType ZarithThy S := {}.
Ltac smt := itauto (no ZarithThy congruence lia).
......@@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ Require Import ZifyClasses Lra Reals.
Record RarithThy : Type.
Instance RThy : TheoryType RarithThy R := {}.
#[export] Instance RThy : TheoryType RarithThy R := {}.
Instance R0Thy : TheorySig RarithThy R0 := {}.
Instance R1Thy : TheorySig RarithThy R1 := {}.
Instance RplusThy : TheorySig RarithThy Rplus := {}.
Instance RminusThy : TheorySig RarithThy Rminus := {}.
Instance RmultThy : TheorySig RarithThy Rmult := {}.
Instance IZRThy : TheorySig RarithThy IZR := {}.
Instance ReqThy : TheorySig RarithThy (@eq R) := {}.
Instance RltThy : TheorySig RarithThy Rlt := {}.
Instance RleThy : TheorySig RarithThy Rle := {}.
Instance RgeThy : TheorySig RarithThy Rge := {}.
Instance RgtThy : TheorySig RarithThy Rgt := {}.
#[export] Instance R0Thy : TheorySig RarithThy R0 := {}.
#[export] Instance R1Thy : TheorySig RarithThy R1 := {}.
#[export] Instance RplusThy : TheorySig RarithThy Rplus := {}.
#[export] Instance RminusThy : TheorySig RarithThy Rminus := {}.
#[export] Instance RmultThy : TheorySig RarithThy Rmult := {}.
#[export] Instance IZRThy : TheorySig RarithThy IZR := {}.
#[export] Instance ReqThy : TheorySig RarithThy (@eq R) := {}.
#[export] Instance RltThy : TheorySig RarithThy Rlt := {}.
#[export] Instance RleThy : TheorySig RarithThy Rle := {}.
#[export] Instance RgeThy : TheorySig RarithThy Rge := {}.
#[export] Instance RgtThy : TheorySig RarithThy Rgt := {}.
(* Integer constant are also part of theory *)
Instance Z0Thy : TheorySig RarithThy Z0 := {}.
Instance ZposThy : TheorySig RarithThy Zpos := {}.
Instance ZnegThy : TheorySig RarithThy Zneg := {}.
Instance xHThy : TheorySig RarithThy xH := {}.
Instance xIThy : TheorySig RarithThy xI := {}.
Instance xOThy : TheorySig RarithThy xO := {}.
#[export] Instance Z0Thy : TheorySig RarithThy Z0 := {}.
#[export] Instance ZposThy : TheorySig RarithThy Zpos := {}.
#[export] Instance ZnegThy : TheorySig RarithThy Zneg := {}.
#[export] Instance xHThy : TheorySig RarithThy xH := {}.
#[export] Instance xIThy : TheorySig RarithThy xI := {}.
#[export] Instance xOThy : TheorySig RarithThy xO := {}.
Ltac smt := itauto (no RarithThy congruence lra).
......@@ -44,17 +44,17 @@ Qed.
Instance DecLe : DecP2 Z.le := dec_le.
Instance DecLt : DecP2 := dec_lt.
Instance DecGt : DecP2 := dec_gt.
Instance DecGe : DecP2 := dec_ge.
Instance DecEq : DecP2 (@eq Z) := dec_eq.
#[export] Instance DecLe : DecP2 Z.le := dec_le.
#[export] Instance DecLt : DecP2 := dec_lt.
#[export] Instance DecGt : DecP2 := dec_gt.
#[export] Instance DecGe : DecP2 := dec_ge.
#[export] Instance DecEq : DecP2 (@eq Z) := dec_eq.
(** To eliminate literals of the form ~ x = y,
we generate the clause x < y \/ x = y \/ y < x.
Instance negeqZ : TheoryPropagation.NegBinRel (@eq Z) :=
#[export] Instance negeqZ : TheoryPropagation.NegBinRel (@eq Z) :=
neg_bin_rel_clause := fun x y => x < y \/ x = y \/ y < x;
neg_bin_rel_correct := Z.lt_trichotomy
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