Explore projects
Dense linear algebra subroutines for heterogeneous and distributed architectures
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Dense linear algebra subroutines for heterogeneous and distributed architectures
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ViTE is a trace explorer. It is a tool to visualize execution traces in Pajé or OTF format for debugging and profiling parallel or distributed applications. It is an open source software licenced under CeCILL-A.
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The OpenViBE extras: Acquisition Server, demos, plugin contributions
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MoReFEM core library.
This library also contains some simple Models to illustrate how to use it, and several integration tests.
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Fork of Aevol in order to develop an eukaryotic version
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This is the public project for Damaris. In this project the main line of source codes. The latest version of the documentation is stored here: https://project.inria.fr/damaris/documentation/.
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Package for graph and mesh/hypergraph partitioning, graph clustering, and sparse matrix ordering.