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Sébastien Gilles' homepage.
I will put here snippets of code I like (mostly scripts and C++ utilities), and on the wiki (https://gitlab.inria.fr/sgilles/homepage/wikis/home) useful tricks and procedures.
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Channel coding algorithms modified to work in the workflow (TODO merge)
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Gitlab test reports and coverage feature on a Matlab® project using Matlab® unit tests.
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potential energy and gradients of potential energy of a set of springs
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FPmuRNA contains the Matlab code used for numerical simulations in the following paper:
"A FOKKER-PLANCK APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF ROBUSTNESS IN GENE EXPRESSION" by P. Degond, M. Herda and S. Mirrahimi Preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.14985
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Implementation of algorithms that provide the description of endomorphism rings of supersingular elliptic curves through the knowledge of an isogeny.
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New on-line polytope vertex search algorithm optimised for force and velocity polytope evaluation of serial robots. https://auctus-team.gitlabpages.inria.fr/people/antunskuric/papers/polytope_vertex_search
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This is a simulation program based on virus dynamical spreading model. The code is in Chinese in the original Github repositories(https://github.com/LeoLeos/wuhanMatlabSimulation). The simulation is used only for theoretical reference.
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Karp--Sipser based heuristics for the maximum cardinality matching problem in d-uniform, d-partite hypergraphs.
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Matlab implementation of the inner approximation algorithms for interval linear systems of equations proposed in J. K. Pickard, V. Padois, M. Hladik, and D. Daney. "Efficient Set-Based Approaches for the Reliable Computation of Robot Capabilities".
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The rrspace software computes bases of Riemann-Roch spaces for curves defined over Z/pZ. It also provides functions to compute the group law on the Jacobian of such curves.
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The FAµST toolbox provides algorithms and data structures to decompose a given dense matrix into a product of sparse matrices in order to reduce its computational complexity. https://faust.inria.fr
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The MATLAB functions which have been used for simulations mentioned in the paper. The simulations have been focused on one-dimensional dissipative granular chains as well as on Newton's cradle.
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some matlab functions to perform approximation with passive systems