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A Python library for Cadbiom software. (This project is outdated)
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GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyUpdated -
The coupling of dyalog-sr, a feature-based shift-reduce dependency parser, with neural layers provided by Dynet. It has been developed in the context of the CONLL 2017 Universal Dependencies Shared Task and tried over a large set of languages.
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LE FESSANT Fabrice / menhir
GNU Library General Public License v2 onlyAn LR(1) parser generator for OCaml.
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An OCaml library that helps deal with binding constructs in abstract syntax trees.
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Samifier is a decision support tool as a web service to help biologists to normalize metabolic identifiers. This repository contains the Docker Image to easily deploy the Samifier platform.
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Samifier is a decision support tool as a web service to help biologists to normalize metabolic identifiers. This kernel calculates the matching between identifiers. The Samifier-web server makes requests for the results via an API.
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Public repository of the "Performance vs Energy Tradeoffs via Shutdown Policies in EASY Backfilling" article submitted to IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2018.
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Lucas Verney / m2_internship_report
Beerware LicenseM2 Internship report on four-photon driven dissipative process to stabilize cat states and protect logical qubits.
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Thierry Martinez / menhir
GNU Library General Public License v2 onlyAn LR(1) parser generator for OCaml.
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Blockmatching is a software that enables to coregister two 3D images, either linearly or non-linearly.
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metapart / scotch
OtherPackage for graph and mesh/hypergraph partitioning, graph clustering, and sparse matrix ordering.
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Set of Satellite Image Time Series Tools developed in C++ and Python.
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Public repository of the "Opportunistic Shutdown in EASY Backfilling: What About Performance?" article submitted to Euro-Par 2018.