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Supplementary Materials for "TAG: Learning Timed Automata from Logs" (AAAI-22).
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This project provides the code of Abstra, an all-in-one dataset abstraction system.
It is developed in Java and uses Postgres to store data.
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AcFixer is a tool to fix the privacy code smells regarding accessibility service in android projects.
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AcGuard is android an application for users to help them against malicious apps that are attacking the passwords using the accessibility service.
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Affero General Public License v1.0ADFG checks the scheduling feasibility of an Ultimately Cyclo-Static DataFlow (UCSDF) graph which represents a system of actors (or processes) and their dependencies (data production and consumption rates), aka channels between them.
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moex / Alignment API
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyThe Alignment API allows various ontology matchers to share the same format and interface for accessing matching results. It also features a reference implementation and the Alignment server.
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Alpha language includes the core language, its parser, and editor based on Xtext.
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AlphaZ developed at CSU and CAIRN. This repository is a migration of old sources that were in separate locations.
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Gazelle / Specific-Tools / ANS / ans-hl7v2-simulators
Apache License 2.0Updated -
moex / aroma
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated