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potential energy and gradients of potential energy of a set of springs
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Channel coding algorithms modified to work in the workflow (TODO merge)
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Sébastien Gilles' homepage.
I will put here snippets of code I like (mostly scripts and C++ utilities), and on the wiki (https://gitlab.inria.fr/sgilles/homepage/wikis/home) useful tricks and procedures.
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gitlabci_gallery / testing / matlab-unitests
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseGitlab test reports and coverage feature on a Matlab® project using Matlab® unit tests.
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HERDA Maxime / FPmuRNA
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyFPmuRNA contains the Matlab code used for numerical simulations in the following paper:
"A FOKKER-PLANCK APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF ROBUSTNESS IN GENE EXPRESSION" by P. Degond, M. Herda and S. Mirrahimi Preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.14985
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Implementation of algorithms that provide the description of endomorphism rings of supersingular elliptic curves through the knowledge of an isogeny.
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New on-line polytope vertex search algorithm optimised for force and velocity polytope evaluation of serial robots. https://auctus-team.gitlabpages.inria.fr/people/antunskuric/papers/polytope_vertex_search
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This is a simulation program based on virus dynamical spreading model. The code is in Chinese in the original Github repositories(https://github.com/LeoLeos/wuhanMatlabSimulation). The simulation is used only for theoretical reference.
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Karp--Sipser based heuristics for the maximum cardinality matching problem in d-uniform, d-partite hypergraphs.
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Auctus Team / Publications / SetBasedRobotCapabilitiesEstimation2020 / Code_public
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyMatlab implementation of the inner approximation algorithms for interval linear systems of equations proposed in J. K. Pickard, V. Padois, M. Hladik, and D. Daney. "Efficient Set-Based Approaches for the Reliable Computation of Robot Capabilities".
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SPAENLEHAUER Pierre-Jean / rrspace
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyThe rrspace software computes bases of Riemann-Roch spaces for curves defined over Z/pZ. It also provides functions to compute the group law on the Jacobian of such curves.
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faust group / faust
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseThe FAµST toolbox provides algorithms and data structures to decompose a given dense matrix into a product of sparse matrices in order to reduce its computational complexity. https://faust.inria.fr
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The MATLAB functions which have been used for simulations mentioned in the paper. The simulations have been focused on one-dimensional dissipative granular chains as well as on Newton's cradle.
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some matlab functions to perform approximation with passive systems