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How to compile the code

Dependencies to install:

The MOMO software has several running modes that can be used by
passing different combinations of flags and parameters by command

Running ./MOMO -h shows the help with all the possible flags:
-h [ --help ]                         produce help message
-N [ --network-file ] arg             input network file (MANDATORY).
-B [ --bounds-file ] arg              input file with the bounds for the 
                                      input file (MANDATORY).
-o [ --output-file ] arg (=solutions.txt)
                                      output file.
-t [ --optimizer-timeout ] arg (=3600)
                                      Timeout for the optimization procedure 
                                      (in seconds).
--maximize arg                        Reactions to maximize
--minimize arg                        Reactions to minimize
--reactions-to-fix arg                Reactions to fix. Format 
                                      (useful for the enumeration)
--number-deletions arg (=0)           Consider deletions sets of informed 
--enumerate                           Enumerates deletions. In this case the 
                                      objective functions are ignored.
-D [ --deletions-candidates-file ] arg
                                      input file with the reactions that 
                                      should be considered for deletion.
-R [ --reference-flux-file ] arg      input file with the fluxes that will be
                                     used as reference for the MOMA approach
                                      during enumeration.
-m [ --optimizer-internal-memory ] arg (=2048)
                                      Internal memory used by the optimizer 
                                      before using disk space (in Mb).

The network file (-N flag) and the file with the upper and lower
bounds (-B flag)  should be always provided when invoking MOMO.

Optimise a flux
In order to optimise one flux (for example, the biomass reaction) you
should invoke MOMO with at least the following flags:
--maximize (or --minimize, depending how you want to optimize);
The argument for this flag should be the id of the reaction that you
want to optimize according to the SBML file used.

./MOMO -N yeast_5.01_model.xml -B bounds.txt --maximize=r_2110 -o fba.out

In this example we set the metabolic network as the file
"yeast_5.01_model.xml", the bounds for each reactio of the SBML file
are given by the file "bounds.txt", we set the optimization function
to be the reaction with the id r_2110 and we set the output file to be

Optimise several fluxes considering deletions
In order to optimise multiple fluxes (for example, the biomass and
ethanol productions) you should invoke MOMO with at least the
following flags:
--maximize (or --minimize, depending how you want to optimize);
The argument for this flag should be the ids of the reactions that you
want to optimize according to the SBML file used, separated by commas.
The argument for this flag should be an integer >= 1, representing the
size of the deletion set. So if the parameter is 1, we have single
deletions, if it is 2 then we have pairs of deletions, and so on.


Enumerate deletions
In order to enumerate all deletions for a fixed production state (for
example, given that biomass is equal to 0.4 and that the ethanol is
equal to 6) should invoke MOMO with at least the
following flags:
The argument for this flag should be an integer >= 1, representing the
size of the deletion set. So if the parameter is 1, we have single
deletions, if it is 2 then we have pairs of deletions, and so on.

--maximize and--minimize should not be used in the enumeration mode.

./MOMO -N yeast_5.01_model.xml -B bounds.txt -D candidateReactions.txt -R
fba.out -o enumeration.out --number-deletions=1 --reactions-to-fix
r_2110=0.1,r_1761=17.4 --enumerate

In this example we set the metabolic network as the file
"yeast_5.01_model.xml", the bounds for each reactio of the SBML file
are given by the file "bounds.txt", we selected to enumerate single
deletions (--enumerate and --number-deletions=1) and we fix the
reaction r_2110 (biomass) to 0.1 and the reaction r_1761 (ethanol) to
This means we want to enumerate all single deletions that enables a
biomass of 0.1 and an ethanol production of 17.4.