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Commit 2e524b41 authored by DEBREUVE Eric's avatar DEBREUVE Eric
Browse files


parent ec1286f4
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......@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@
import brick.processing.dijkstra_1_to_n as dk_
from brick.component.extension import extension_t
from brick.component.glial_cmp import glial_cmp_t
from brick.component.soma import soma_t
from brick.general.type import array_t, site_h, site_path_h
import itertools as it_
from typing import Callable, Sequence, Tuple
import cython as cy_
import numpy as np_
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def CandidateConnections(
influence_map: array_t,
dist_to_closest: array_t,
extensions: Sequence[extension_t],
max_straight_sq_dist: cy_.double = np_.inf,
max_straight_sq_dist: float = np_.inf,
) -> list:
candidate_conn_nfo = [] # conn=connection
......@@ -84,3 +84,22 @@ def ShortestPathFromToN(
costs[candidate_indexing] = np_.inf
return path, length
def ValidateConnection(
glial_cmp: glial_cmp_t, extension: glial_cmp_t, dijkstra_path: site_path_h, costs: array_t
) -> None:
connection_path = tuple(zip(*dijkstra_path[1:-1]))
if connection_path.__len__() == 0:
connection_path = None
glial_cmp.connection_path[extension.uid] = connection_path
# TODO: Ideally, these paths should be dilated + put this outside
# but in ext-ext connections, there must not be dilation around the current ext
# (current ext plays the role of a soma in soma-ext step)
if connection_path is not None:
costs[connection_path] = np_.inf
......@@ -70,8 +70,7 @@ class extension_t(glial_cmp_t):
bmp = lmp == uid
instance.InitializeFromMap(bmp, uid)
end_point_map = cls.EndPointMap(bmp)
end_point_lmp = end_point_map * lmp
instance.end_points = (end_point_lmp == uid).nonzero()
instance.end_points = end_point_map.nonzero()
instance.scales = scales[instance.sites]
instance.__cache__ = {}
......@@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ class extension_t(glial_cmp_t):
def end_points_as_array(self) -> array_t:
pty_name = "end_points_as_array"
pty_name = extension_t.end_points_as_array.__name__
if pty_name not in self.__cache__:
self.__cache__[pty_name] = np_.array(self.end_points)
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ from __future__ import annotations
from brick.general.type import array_t, np_array_picker_h, py_array_picker_h, site_path_h
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np_
......@@ -66,28 +67,7 @@ class glial_cmp_t:
return self.extensions.__len__() > 0
def ExtendWith(
self, extension: glial_cmp_t, through: site_path_h, costs: array_t
) -> None:
connection_path = tuple(zip(*through[1:-1]))
if connection_path.__len__() == 0:
connection_path = None
extension_path = extension.sites
self.connection_path[extension.uid] = connection_path
# TODO: put this outside
# TODO: Ideally, these paths should be dilated + put this outside
# but in ext-ext connections, there must not be dilation around the current ext
# (current ext plays the role of a soma in soma-ext step)
if connection_path is not None:
costs[connection_path] = np_.inf
costs[extension_path] = np_.inf
def BackReferenceSoma(self, glial_cmp: glial_cmp_t) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ class soma_t(glial_cmp_t):
bmp = lmp == uid
instance.InitializeFromMap(bmp, uid)
contour_map = cls.ContourMap(bmp)
contour_lmp = contour_map * lmp
instance.contour_points = tuple(zip(*(contour_lmp == uid).nonzero()))
instance.contour_points = tuple(zip(*contour_map.nonzero()))
return instance
......@@ -164,9 +163,9 @@ class soma_t(glial_cmp_t):
def FilteredMap(map_: array_t, min_area: int) -> array_t:
result = map_.copy()
lmp = ms_.label(map_)
lmp = ms_.label(map_) # label the image region by measuring the connectivity
for region in ms_.regionprops(lmp):
for region in ms_.regionprops(lmp): # Measure properties of labeled image regions
if region.area <= min_area:
region_sites = (lmp == region.label).nonzero()
result[region_sites] = 0
......@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ from brick.component.soma import soma_t
from typing import Sequence, Tuple
import matplotlib as mpl_
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl_
def PrintConnectedExtensions(extensions: Sequence[extension_t]) -> None:
......@@ -56,7 +58,9 @@ def PlotSomas(somas: Sequence[soma_t], som_nfo: dict, axes: dict) -> None:
axes[soma.uid] = ot_.PlotLMap(som_nfo["lmp"], labels=soma.uid)
pl_.matshow(som_nfo["influence_map"].max(axis=0)), pl_.title("Soma Influencess")
pl_.matshow(som_nfo["dist_to_closest"].max(axis=0)), pl_.title("Soma Distances")
def PlotExtensions(
......@@ -68,6 +72,7 @@ def PlotExtensions(
pl_.title("Extensions Extremities")
def PlotSomasWithExtensions(somas: Sequence[soma_t], som_nfo: dict, which: str) -> None:
......@@ -80,8 +85,11 @@ def PlotSomasWithExtensions(somas: Sequence[soma_t], som_nfo: dict, which: str)
_ = ot_.PlotSomaWithExtensions(soma, som_nfo["lmp"])
pl_.title(f"Soma.{soma.uid} + Ext.{tuple(ext.uid for ext in soma.extensions)}")
any_plot = True
if any_plot:
pl_.title("Somas + Extensions")
......@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ import numpy as np_
def NormalizedImage(image: array_t) -> array_t:
print("This normalization does not bring anything; left as is for now to avoid the need for changing prms")
"This normalization does not bring anything; left as is for now to avoid the need for changing prms"
nonextreme_values = image[np_.logical_and(image > 0.0, image < image.max())]
if nonextreme_values.size > 0:
......@@ -46,3 +48,15 @@ def NormalizedImage(image: array_t) -> array_t:
result = image.astype(np_.float32)
return result
def DijkstraCosts(image: array_t, som_map: array_t, ext_map: array_t) -> array_t:
# TODO: Ideally, the extension part should be dilated
# but in ext-ext connections, there must not be dilation around the current or the other exts
# (current ext plays the role of a soma in soma-ext step)
dijkstra_costs = 1.0 / (image + 1.0)
dijkstra_costs[np_.logical_or(som_map > 0, ext_map > 0)] = np_.inf
return dijkstra_costs
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ shifts_of_26_neighbors_c = tuple(
for i in (-1, 0, 1)
for j in (-1, 0, 1)
for k in (-1, 0, 1)
if i != 0 or j != 0 or k != 0
if i != 0 or j != 0 or k != 0 # take every direct neighbors except itself
......@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ def PartLMap(map_: array_t) -> array_t:
# isolated pixels receive 0).
result = np_.array(map_, dtype=np_.int8)
result[result > 0] = 1
padded_sm = np_.pad(map_ > 0, 1, "constant")
result[result > 0] = 1 # binary map
padded_sm = np_.pad(map_ > 0, 1, "constant") # pad for voxels at the border --> map of booleans / binary mask
for shifts in shifts_of_26_neighbors_c:
result += np_.roll(padded_sm, shifts, axis=(0, 1, 2))[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ def PlotConnection(
if new_axes:
_, axes = __FigAndAxes__(shape, depth_limit)
# This test is put here but could be move outside this function
# TODO This test is put here but could be move outside this function
if connection is not None:
depth_factor * np_.array(connection[0]),
No preview for this file type
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import brick.component.connection as cn_
import brick.component.extension as xt_
import brick.component.soma as sm_
import as fb_
import brick.processing.normalization as nm_
import brick.processing.input as in_
# from main_prm import *
import os as os_
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import numpy as np_
import as io_
import skimage.measure as ms_
print(sy_.argv, sy_.argv.__len__())
if sy_.argv.__len__() < 2:
print("Missing parameter file argument")
......@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ if not (os_.path.isfile(sy_.argv[1]) and os_.access(sy_.argv[1], os_.R_OK)):
data_path = None
with_plot = None
with_plot = True
soma_low_c = None
soma_high_c = None
ext_low_c = None
......@@ -88,9 +89,16 @@ start_time = tm_.time()
# --- Images
image = io_.imread(data_path)
assert image.ndim == 3 # TODO: replace assertion with proper exception handling
image = image[:, 512:, 512:]#562
image = image[:,:,:,1] # TODO For the green channel - change in case of other channel or greyscale
# pl_.imshow(image[10,:,:])
assert image.ndim == 3 # TODO: replace assertion with proper exception handling
image = image[:, 512:, 512:] # 562
img_shape = image.shape
pl_.matshow(image[image.shape[0] // 2,:,:])
# max_img = image.max()
# image.fill(image.min())
......@@ -98,9 +106,8 @@ img_shape = image.shape
print(f"IMAGE: s.{img_shape} t.{image.dtype} m.{image.min()} M.{image.max()}")
image_for_soma = nm_.NormalizedImage(image)
image_for_ext = nm_.NormalizedImage(image)
costs = 1.0 / (image + 1.0)
image_for_soma = in_.NormalizedImage(image)
image_for_ext = in_.NormalizedImage(image)
print(f"NRM-IMG: t.{image_for_soma.dtype} m.{image_for_soma.min():.2f} M.{image_for_soma.max():.2f}")
......@@ -120,6 +127,7 @@ print("\n--- Soma Detection")
som_nfo["map"] = soma_t.Map(image_for_soma, soma_low_c, soma_high_c, soma_selem_c)
som_nfo["map"] = soma_t.FilteredMap(som_nfo["map"], min_area_c)
#TODO: change label into relabel + max
som_nfo["lmp"], n_somas = ms_.label(som_nfo["map"], return_num=True)
som_nfo["dist_to_closest"], som_nfo["influence_map"] = soma_t.InfluenceMaps(
......@@ -158,14 +166,13 @@ if with_plot:
fb_.PlotExtensions(extensions, ext_nfo, img_shape)
# -- Preparation for Connections
dijkstra_costs = in_.DijkstraCosts(image, som_nfo["map"], ext_nfo["map"])
# -- Soma-Extention
print("\n--- Soma <-> Extension")
# TODO: Ideally, the extension part should be dilated
# but in ext-ext connections, there must not be dilation around the current ext
# (current ext plays the role of a soma in soma-ext step)
costs[np_.logical_or(som_nfo["map"] > 0, ext_nfo["map"] > 0)] = np_.inf
candidate_conn_nfo = cn_.CandidateConnections(
......@@ -179,18 +186,18 @@ for ep_idx, soma, extension, end_point in candidate_conn_nfo:
print(f" Soma.{soma.uid} <-?-> Ext.{extension.uid}({ep_idx})", end="")
path, length = cn_.ShortestPathFromToN(
if length <= max_weighted_length_c:
soma.ExtendWith(extension, path, costs)
cn_.ValidateConnection(soma, extension, path, dijkstra_costs)
print(": Made")
# for soma in somas:
# soma.Extend(extensions, som_nfo["dist_to_closest"], costs)
# soma.Extend(extensions, som_nfo["dist_to_closest"], dijkstra_costs)
elapsed_time = tm_.gmtime(tm_.time() - start_time)
......@@ -223,13 +230,13 @@ while should_look_for_connections:
print(f" Soma.{soma.uid} <-?-> Ext.{extension.uid}({ep_idx})", end="")
path, length = cn_.ShortestPathFromToN(
if length <= max_weighted_length_c:
tgt_extenstion = extension_t.ExtensionWithSite(extensions, path[-1])
tgt_extenstion.ExtendWith(extension, path, costs)
cn_.ValidateConnection(tgt_extenstion, extension, path, dijkstra_costs)
should_look_for_connections = True
print(": Made")
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import skimage.morphology as mp_
data_path = "./data/DIO_6H_6_1.70bis_2.2_3.tif"
with_plot = False
with_plot = True
soma_low_c = 0.15
soma_high_c = 0.7126
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