Merge request reports
changed milestone to %1. Factorisation outillage de visualisation
added 7 commits
- 1f156355 - First draft of scalar color map actor.
- 9785f05f - Instanciate default cluts and ranges in the setDataSet.
- 3ae23da1 - Updates the mapper with current color map and range.
- 4c547149 - Clear opacity functions.
- afb4eef1 - Make the code more readable : instanciate the mapper and actor in the constructor.
- bf9014d9 - Recover dtkVisualizationActorScalarColorMap and transform it into...
- 9f216b58 - Merge branch 'feature/architecture' of...
Toggle commit listadded 8 commits
- 3efa66c6 - Mapper is always instanciated now.
- 352660d2 - Removes redeclared varibale.
- e5bd1151 - Removes dupicated line.
- 1dd1fffe - Adds colormap selector plus cluts presets.
- 03fec412 - Fix removal of vertices.
- 43ab1908 - Allows to use preset in the clut editor.
- 638fa090 - Add actor only if dataset is set to avoid vtk warnings.
- 7098a6e1 - Merge branch 'feature/actors' of https://gitlab.inria.fr/dtk/dtk-visualization...
Toggle commit listadded 2 commits
28d2e5ff - 1 commit from branch
- 0d45f8f6 - Merge branch 'develop' of https://gitlab.inria.fr/dtk/dtk-visualization into feature/architecture
28d2e5ff - 1 commit from branch
added 1 commit
- d38e021b - Mark override overriding methods of dtkVisuCanvas.
added 1 commit
- 3491fec7 - Modify methods names, connect overlay widgets to decorator.
added 3 commits
3491fec7...a1532409 - 2 commits from branch
- 41a537c7 - Move colorbar in decorator
3491fec7...a1532409 - 2 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- c2c1c3d0 - Maps the clut to 0:1 before aplying the real user scalar range.