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  • BoundsCheck
  • RefactoringSystems
  • master default protected
  • menu
  • rendersplit
  • tests
6 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.06Feb3Aug15Jun1413987331May25232016330Nov4327Jun19183MayReformat, use linked fontrendersplitrendersplit.RefactoringSyst…RefactoringSystemsle traitement des evenements est désormais dans une boucle à part.teststestsMerge branch 'master' into menumenumenunew method contains checks if a given coordinate is in a boundBoundsCheckBoundsCheckles comportements de MenuTool sont désormais dans les menus & fonctions auxiliaires, nouvelle sélectionséparation de FocusSystem et TextEditSystemcorrection initialisation des Selections & testfonctions auxiliairesOnly render once per iteration of the main loopLoad font via symbolic linkpetites fonctionspremier essai avec jestmenu.tentative 4 fichiersborderMerge branch 'master' of into rendersplitMerge branch 'ghostresetfix' into 'master'fixed focused shape reappearringsplit Polyphony/SDL2Ignore snapshot.svg file created by the save buttonHelper script to install and symlink SDL2 libsMerge branch 'fix-ffi-napi' into 'master'Ignore native librariesUpdate install/run instructionsReplace ffi packages with *-napi versionsConfigures jshint, specify package dependenciesUpdate LICENSEmastermasterREADMEInitial commitUpdate LICENSEUpdate LICENSEAdd LICENSE