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  • PERTIN Dimitri's avatar
    Add a mad backup task! · 8c5c091c
    PERTIN Dimitri authored
    The following stores the benchmark results in the `backups` directory.
    The results contain Madeus information and OpenStack information:
    1. The whole `mad` directory from `concerto-node` containing:
        * the source code,
        * the madeus environment `current/`,
        * the madeus results (e.g. deployment times, stdout) `MadBench(...)/`,
        * the concerto results (i.e. transition times) as JSONs.
    2. The configuration files generated for OpenStack services per nodes,
    3. The log files generated by OpenStack services per nodes.
    (venv) $ python backup
    A specific backup directory can be provided with `-b` or `--backup_dir`, check:
    (venv) $ python backup --help
    Usage: backup [OPTIONS]
      Backup the results.
      -e, --env PATH         Path to the environment directory to consider.
      -b, --backup_dir PATH  Path to the result directory to consider.
      --help                 Show this message and exit. Run the 'single' benchmark scenario described in ...