exp2f update
set errno for overflow and underflow results, more crude range reduction for performance as well as smaller degree polynomial which causes 4x larger lookup table.
La vérification des quotas de chaque projet est mise en place en mode non bloquant. Plus d'information sur : https://doc-si.inria.fr/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=146834656
Quota verification is enabled for projects in non-blocking mode. More information: https://doc-si.inria.fr/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=146834656
Mise à jour GitLab terminée. Nous sommes désormais en version 17.7.0 : https://about.gitlab.com/releases/2024/12/19/gitlab-17-7-released/
set errno for overflow and underflow results, more crude range reduction for performance as well as smaller degree polynomial which causes 4x larger lookup table.