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  • Jason Gross's avatar
    [CI] Better support for overlaying submodules · 7f364ba1
    Jason Gross authored
    The overlay infrastructure now supports declaring that the root
    directory of some builds is a subfolder of a given repository.  This
    allows overlay-writers to override the repository and branch (and
    override the subfolder with "") to indicate that the repository should
    be cloned from elsewhere.
    This should hopefully provide a relatively seamless experience for
    overlay writers who need to update submodules of projects like
    fiat-crypto.  In service of that, we split off
    N.B. We avoid duplicating downloads of parent projects when possible.
    N.B. Subprojects should be under their immediate parent, otherwise
    overlays are applied incorrectly.
    N.B. We use -PARENT directories on CI
    This way sibling jobs don't mess with each others' timestamps.
    We also provide `USE_CI_DIRECTORY_STRUCTURE` to allow those downloading
    artifacts to reuse the downloaded directories.