Refactor code
- Remove datatype/interface directory, and move code to interface/type.ts
- Use the following directories: interface, drivers, adapters. In adapters and drivers create one directory per DB.
- Split interface/types.ts in multiple files
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GitLab upgrade completed. Current version is 17.8.2.
added Workflow::Product Backlog feature::maintenance labels
assigned to @itoumlil
added Workflow::In Progress label and removed Workflow::Product Backlog label
changed due date to December 12, 2020
created merge request !30 (merged) to address this issue
mentioned in merge request !30 (merged)
changed due date to December 14, 2020
marked the checklist item Split interface/types.ts in multiple files as completed
marked the checklist item Remove datatype/interface directory, and move code to interface/type.ts as completed
marked the checklist item Use the following directories: interface, drivers, adapters. In adapters and drivers create one directory per DB. as completed
added Workflow::Ready for review label and removed Workflow::In Progress label
removed Workflow::Ready for review label