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Resolve "Implement more comparison operations for version vector"

Merged Annette Bieniusa requested to merge 20-version-vector-ops into master
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ class VersionVector {
* Checks that this version vector is smaller or equals than a given version vector.
* Checks that this version vector is smaller than or equal a given version vector.
* @param vv the given version vector used for comparison.
* @return true if this version vector is smaller or equals than the other one, false otherwise.
* @return true if this version vector is smaller than or equal the other one, false otherwise.
fun isSmallerOrEquals(vv: VersionVector): Boolean {
@@ -101,10 +101,113 @@ class VersionVector {
val v = vv.entries.get(k)
if(v == null || localV > v) return false
return true
* Checks that this version vector is strictly smaller than a given version vector.
* @param vv the given version vector used for comparison.
* @return true if this version vector is smaller than the other one, false otherwise.
fun isSmaller(vv: VersionVector): Boolean {
var isEqual = this.entries.isNotEmpty()
for ((k, localV) in this.entries) {
val v = vv.entries.get(k)
if(v == null || localV > v) return false
isEqual = isEqual && (localV == v)
return !isEqual
* Checks that this version vector is greater than or equal a given version vector.
* @param vv the given version vector used for comparison.
* @return true if this version vector is greater than or equal the other one, false otherwise.
fun isGreaterOrEquals(vv: VersionVector): Boolean {
for ((k, v) in vv.entries) {
val localV = this.entries.get(k)
if(localV == null || localV < v) return false
return true
* Checks that this version vector is strictly greater than a given version vector.
* @param vv the given version vector used for comparison.
* @return true if this version vector is greater than the other one, false otherwise.
fun isGreater(vv: VersionVector): Boolean {
var isEqual = vv.entries.isNotEmpty()
for ((k, v) in vv.entries) {
val localV = this.entries.get(k)
if(localV == null || localV < v) return false
isEqual = isEqual && (localV == v)
return !isEqual
* Overrides the equals function of object
* @param other object to compare with
* @return true if both objects are version vectors with equal entries
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (!(other is VersionVector)) return false
if (entries != other.entries) return false
return true
* Overrides the hashCode function of object
* @return a hash code value for this object.
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return entries.hashCode()
* Overrides the toString function of object
* @return a string representation of the object.
override fun toString(): String {
return "VersionVector(entries='$entries')"
* Checks that this version vector is not comparable to a given version vector.
* @param vv the given version vector to compare with.
* @return true if this version vector is not comparable to the other one, false otherwise.
fun isNotComparable(vv: VersionVector): Boolean {
var isSmaller = false
var isLarger = false
for ((k, localV) in this.entries) {
val v = vv.entries.get(k)
if(v == null || localV > v)
// one entry in this object is larger
isLarger = true
else if(localV < v)
// one entry in the other vv is larger
isSmaller = true
if (isSmaller && isLarger)
return true
// there are entries in the vv that this one does not have
if (isLarger && !this.entries.keys.containsAll(vv.entries.keys))
return true;
// all entries are either (smaller or equal) or (larger or equal)
return false
* Copies this version vector.
* @return a copy of this version vector.