Concordant client library
Concordant client library in Kotlin for the Concordant platform API.
- Download and install Gradle from Gradle website;
Project overview
The code of the version v0 is in the directory src/.
The pseudo code of the version v1 is in the directory pseudo-code-v1/.
This library is delivered as an NPM package and a Maven in Gitlab Packages (as a private registry).
NPM install
Get a deploy token or personal access token from Gitlab,
with at least the read_package_registry scope.
Then setup authentication:
$ npm config set @concordant:registry ""
$ npm config set '//' "<deployOrPersonalToken>"
Install the package:
$ npm i @concordant/c-client
And use it:
import * from @concordant/c-client;
Build project
The build is managed by Gradle. Kotlin sources (code and tests) are compiled to JVM Bytecode and to Javascript as a Node.js package.
gradle assemble
- compiles code and tests to JVM Bytecode;
- compiles code and tests to Javascript (Node.js package);
- creates a TypeScript interface
- assembles a NPM package
gradle allTests
- runs JVM test suite;
- runs Node.js test suite in a server like manner;
- a report containing all tests results can be found in the file
gradle build
- compiles code and test.
gradle pack
- pack the NPM package
gradle publish
- publish the NPM package to the Gitlab Packages registry (requires authentication ; better use it via CI pipelines).
gradle dokkaHtml
- creates the documentation from code comments;
- documentation is accessible at
. Seegradle tasks
for variants other than HTML.
gradle clean
- cleans the project.
gradle tasks
- show all available tasks with descriptions.