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parsing_cocci: ast0: Add support for __attribute__ with one argument

LAWALL Julia requested to merge attr2 into master

This series adds support for attribute with one argument.

Current Coccinelle is having a problem with attrs and endattrs in C parser. Here is an example of AST for C. #1 struct { int i;} __attr;

attrs = [] endattrs = [ __attr]

#2 struct { int i;} attribute((pack));

attrs = [attribute((pack))] endattrs = []

attribute((pack)) in #2 should be interpreted as attrs.

This problem results from the implementation of parsing_c/parser_c.mly and parsing_c/

The current implementation in only checks the next couple of tokens and whether it can match some regular expressions to replace a specific token type for another token type. (e.g. regarding endattrs, Coccinelle will check "^__.*$" and whether the next token is ";" or "=" etc..., and replace TIdent for TMacroEndAttr). And parser_c.mly attempt to create AST based on the token processed by

To solve this problem, the algorithm used in current needs to be revised totally. Maybe we can also solve it by changing parser_c.mly. But it requires more complex works and a lot of time.

Signed-off-by: Keisuke Nishimura

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