feat: add e2e for mute
Run the tests
You have two options to run the tests. Each of these options requires Docker installed on your machine.
First option :
Run Mute and the Signaling Server as Docker containers and run the tests locally. Open a terminal at the root of the project, then type this command :
docker-compose up -d
This will launch both Mute and the Signaling Server container. Mute will be available at http://localhost:4200 and the Signaling Serve will be available at ws://localhost:8010.
Then, in your terminal, navigate to the src/e2e
Type these commands :
npm ci
To run a test, you need to be in the src/e2e/
folder. The generic command to launch a test looks like this :
npm run test BrowserToUse1 BrowserToUse2 scenario-you-want-to-run false
Where BrowserToUse1
and BrowserToUse2
are browsers that you have on your machine, locally.
The scenario-you-want-to-run
means to be replaced by one of these scenario :
- fullscenario : Runs the whole E2E scenario
- online : Two users meet up on the same document and modify its content
- offline : Two previously met users are disconnected from the signaling server but can still both modify the document
- offline-to-online
Second option :
Run everything as a docker container
Open a terminal and go at the root of the repository folder and type this command
sh src/e2e/scripts/build-and-run-ci-container.sh ci-scenario-name ci-scenario-name-container
This will build the main container that will contain the TestCafe instance and the Mute and Signaling Server container. ci-scenario-name
and ci-scenario-name-container
are names that you can set yourself as you please
The image size is nearly ~ 1.5 GB
When the container has been built and is running, type this command :
docker exec -w /app/mute ci-scenario-name-container /bin/sh start-mute-sigver-containers.sh
This command will start the Mute and the Signaling Server container in ci-scenario-name-container
Once this is done, you can run any test you want, by typing this command :
docker exec -w /app/ci ci-scenario-name-container npm run test chromium firefox scenario-you-want-to-run true
As we are running in a container, we run the test using chromium and firefox browser.
The scenario-you-want-to-run
means to be replaced by one of these scenario :
- fullscenario : Runs the whole E2E scenario
- online : Two users meet up on the same document and modify its content
- offline : Two previously met users are disconnected from the signaling server but can still both modify the document
- offline-to-online
The last true
parameter is simply an indication to TestCafe that we are running in a docker container (which will be interpreted in the code as running the browsers in headless mode)
Known problems that can occur wether running the tests locally or in a Docker container :
Other informations
We are using TestCafe as a solution to write our E2E tests.
Side note
- If you are trying to run the test locally on a Windows system (or a system without sh support), you will need to have the sh command installed.
(when you have git installed, you can addC:\Program Files\Git\bin
to your environment variables)