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fix: adjustments to mute logs and doc logs

Various fixes to the application :

  • better message when downloading logs for a doc that hasn't yet been modified
  • add remote operation in the log
  • hovering on a collaborator in the details component now shows the correct avatar
  • digest is updated when we join a document that has content in it (before, the digest would be shown after an additional input)
  • adjusted code for sending and receiving message which should result in less errors in the console / synchronisation problems

Other miscellenaous changes :

  • updated the .e2e gitlab-ci job to force the upload of error reports
  • removed @types/codemirror from the package.json as it is already download by the @toast-ui/editor package
  • ran prettier on local-storage.service.ts and LogsStrategy.ts
Edited by HUBERT Baptiste

Merge request reports
