Obi-Wan is a RDF Integration System (RIS). It follows OBDA paradigm.
- Uses Global-Local-As-View mappings with an simple syntax
- Supports RDFS ontologies
- Supports BGP queries (SPARQL core)
- Supports heterogeneous datasources (PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB, SPARQL endpoint and Jena TDB)
- Provides many query answering strategies including mappings saturation
- Supports mediation-based query answering with many optimizations using Tatooine
- Supports materialization-based query answering in the triple store OntoSQL
- Uses the query rewriting algorithm of Graal
- Provides a command line interface, a SPARQL endpoint and some visualizations
Get started
Discover how Obi-Wan works on the get started page.
Obi-Wan is a java project, have a look to its documentation.
A demonstration of Obi-Wan is available online.
- Efficient reasoning on large and heterogeneous graphs Maxime Buron thesis 2020 pdf
- Ontology-Based RDF Integration of Heterogeneous Data. Maxime Buron, François Goasdoué, Ioana Manolescu, Marie-Laure Mugnier. EDBT/ICDT 2020 - 23rd International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Mar 2020. Copenhagen, Denmark. pdf
- Obi-Wan: Ontology-Based RDF Integration of Heterogeneous Data. Maxime Buron, François Goasdoué, Ioana Manolescu, Marie-Laure Mugnier. VLDB 2020 - The Forty-sixth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Japan.
CEDAR, GraphIK and SHAMAN teams
Obi-Wan is available under the MIT license.