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Commit 3544f9a5 authored by MONTAGU Benoit's avatar MONTAGU Benoit
Browse files

minor changes in parser

parent 7c084ba1
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...@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ let pp_binop fmt = function ...@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ let pp_binop fmt = function
| Mul -> Format.pp_print_char fmt '*' | Mul -> Format.pp_print_char fmt '*'
| Div -> Format.pp_print_char fmt '/' | Div -> Format.pp_print_char fmt '/'
let prec_un = function Neg -> 5 let prec_un = function Neg -> 4
let prec_bin = function Add | Sub -> 3 | Mul | Div -> 4 let prec_bin = function Add | Sub -> 2 | Mul | Div -> 3
let prec_expr e = let prec_expr e =
match with match with
...@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ let pp_bcmp fmt = function ...@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ let pp_bcmp fmt = function
| BGt -> Format.pp_print_char fmt '>' | BGt -> Format.pp_print_char fmt '>'
| BNeq -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "<>" | BNeq -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "<>"
let prec_bun = function BNot -> 5 let prec_bun = function BNot -> 4
let prec_bbin = function BOr -> 3 | BAnd -> 4 let prec_bbin = function BOr -> 2 | BAnd -> 3
let prec_bexpr e = let prec_bexpr e =
match with match with
...@@ -164,9 +164,8 @@ let assoc_stmt = function ...@@ -164,9 +164,8 @@ let assoc_stmt = function
let prec_stmt = function let prec_stmt = function
| Assign _ | Skip -> -1 | Assign _ | Skip -> -1
| Seq _ -> 0 | Seq _ | While _ | IfThenElse (_, _, None) -> 0
| While _ | IfThenElse (_, _, None) -> 1 | IfThenElse _ -> 1
| IfThenElse _ -> 2
let is_seq s = match with Seq _ -> true | _ -> false let is_seq s = match with Seq _ -> true | _ -> false
...@@ -175,7 +174,7 @@ let rec pp_stmt0_ lvl fmt = function ...@@ -175,7 +174,7 @@ let rec pp_stmt0_ lvl fmt = function
| Skip -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "skip" | Skip -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "skip"
| Seq (s1, s2) as s -> | Seq (s1, s2) as s ->
let n = prec_stmt s in let n = prec_stmt s in
if n < lvl then Format.fprintf fmt "@[@[<v 2>{ %a@]@ }@]" (pp_stmt0_ n) s if n < lvl then Format.fprintf fmt "@[@[<v 2>{ %a@];@ }@]" (pp_stmt0_ n) s
else else
let lvl1, lvl2 = let lvl1, lvl2 =
match assoc_stmt s with match assoc_stmt s with
...@@ -187,21 +186,21 @@ let rec pp_stmt0_ lvl fmt = function ...@@ -187,21 +186,21 @@ let rec pp_stmt0_ lvl fmt = function
s2 s2
| While (b, s1) as s -> | While (b, s1) as s ->
let n = prec_stmt s in let n = prec_stmt s in
if n < lvl then Format.fprintf fmt "@[@[<v 2>{ %a@]@ }@]" (pp_stmt0_ n) s if n < lvl then Format.fprintf fmt "@[@[<v 2>{ %a@];@ }@]" (pp_stmt0_ n) s
else else
let lvl1 = n in let lvl1 = n in
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv>while %a do@ %a@]" pp_bexpr b (pp_stmt_ lvl1) Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv>while %a do@ %a@ done@]" pp_bexpr b
s1 (pp_stmt_ lvl1) s1
| IfThenElse (b, s1, None) as s -> | IfThenElse (b, s1, None) as s ->
let n = prec_stmt s in let n = prec_stmt s in
if n < lvl then Format.fprintf fmt "@[@[<v 2>{ %a@]@ }@]" (pp_stmt0_ n) s if n < lvl then Format.fprintf fmt "@[@[<v 2>{ %a@];@ }@]" (pp_stmt0_ n) s
else else
let lvl1 = n in let lvl1 = n in
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv>if %a@ then %a@]" pp_bexpr b (pp_stmt_ lvl1) Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv>if %a@ then %a@]" pp_bexpr b (pp_stmt_ lvl1)
s1 s1
| IfThenElse (b, s1, Some s2) as s -> | IfThenElse (b, s1, Some s2) as s ->
let n = prec_stmt s in let n = prec_stmt s in
if n < lvl then Format.fprintf fmt "@[@[<v 2>{ %a@]@ }@]" (pp_stmt0_ n) s if n < lvl then Format.fprintf fmt "@[@[<v 2>{ %a@];@ }@]" (pp_stmt0_ n) s
else else
let lvl1, lvl2 = let lvl1, lvl2 =
match assoc_stmt s with match assoc_stmt s with
...@@ -219,16 +218,18 @@ let pp_stmt fmt = pp_stmt_ 0 fmt ...@@ -219,16 +218,18 @@ let pp_stmt fmt = pp_stmt_ 0 fmt
type fun_decl = { type fun_decl = {
name : string localized; name : string localized;
args : var localized list; args : var localized list;
body : stmt; body : stmt option;
return : expr; return : expr;
} }
let pp_fun_decl fmt { name; args; body; return } = let pp_fun_decl fmt { name; args; body; return } =
let open Format in let open Format in
fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>def %s(%a) =@ { @[%a;@ return %a@]@ }@]" fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>def %s(%a) =@ { @[%areturn %a;@]@ }@]"
(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> fprintf fmt ",@ ") pp_var) (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> fprintf fmt ",@ ") pp_var)
( (fun x -> args) ( (fun x -> args)
pp_stmt body pp_expr return (fun fmt opt ->
match opt with None -> () | Some s -> fprintf fmt "%a;@ " pp_stmt s)
body pp_expr return
type program = fun_decl list type program = fun_decl list
...@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ rule lexer = parse ...@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ rule lexer = parse
| '}' { RBRACE } | '}' { RBRACE }
| "skip" { SKIP } | "skip" { SKIP }
| "while" { WHILE } | "while" { WHILE }
| "done" { DONE }
| "do" { DO } | "do" { DO }
| "if" { IF } | "if" { IF }
| "then" { THEN } | "then" { THEN }
%{ %{
open Location open Location
open Ast open Ast
let rec stmts = function
| [] -> assert false
| [s] -> s
| s :: l ->
let stmt = stmts l in
localize (fst s.loc, snd stmt.loc) (Seq (s, stmt))
%} %}
%token EOF %token EOF
...@@ -15,18 +23,17 @@ open Ast ...@@ -15,18 +23,17 @@ open Ast
%token AMP2 VBAR2 %token AMP2 VBAR2
%token NOT %token NOT
%right SEMI // 0 %nonassoc THEN // 0
%nonassoc DO THEN // 1 %nonassoc ELSE // 1
%nonassoc ELSE // 2 %left PLUS MINUS VBAR2 // 2
%left PLUS MINUS VBAR2 // 3 %left TIMES SLASH AMP2 // 3
%left TIMES SLASH AMP2 // 4 %nonassoc uminus NOT // 4
%nonassoc uminus NOT // 5
%start<stmt> stmt_eof %start<stmt> stmt_eof
%start<program> program_eof %start<program> program_eof
...@@ -98,23 +105,25 @@ stmt0: ...@@ -98,23 +105,25 @@ stmt0:
{ Skip } { Skip }
| x = VAR COLONEQ e = expr | x = VAR COLONEQ e = expr
{ Assign (x, e) } { Assign (x, e) }
| s = delimited(LBRACE, stmt, RBRACE) | LBRACE s = stmts RBRACE
{ } { }
| s1 = stmt SEMI s2 = stmt | WHILE b = bexpr DO s = stmt DONE
{ Seq (s1, s2) }
| WHILE b = bexpr DO s = stmt
{ While (b, s) } { While (b, s) }
| IF b = bexpr THEN s1 = stmt ELSE s2 = stmt | IF b = bexpr THEN s1 = stmt ELSE s2 = stmt
{ IfThenElse (b, s1, Some s2) } { IfThenElse (b, s1, Some s2) }
| IF b = bexpr THEN s1 = stmt | IF b = bexpr THEN s1 = stmt
{ IfThenElse (b, s1, None) } { IfThenElse (b, s1, None) }
| l = nonempty_list(terminated(stmt,SEMI))
{ stmts l }
stmt: stmt:
| s = localized(stmt0) | s = localized(stmt0)
{ s } { s }
stmt_eof: stmt_eof:
| s = stmt SEMI? EOF | s = stmt EOF
{ s } { s }
formal_args: formal_args:
...@@ -122,9 +131,12 @@ formal_args: ...@@ -122,9 +131,12 @@ formal_args:
{ xs } { xs }
fun_decl: fun_decl:
| DEF f = localized(VAR) LPAR xs = formal_args RPAR EQ | DEF f = localized(VAR) LPAR xs = formal_args RPAR EQ?
LBRACE s = stmt SEMI? RETURN e = expr RBRACE LBRACE s = stmts RETURN e = expr SEMI? RBRACE
{ { name = f; args = xs; body = s; return = e} } { { name = f; args = xs; body = Some s; return = e} }
| DEF f = localized(VAR) LPAR xs = formal_args RPAR EQ?
{ { name = f; args = xs; body = None; return = e} }
program: program:
| decls = fun_decl+ | decls = fun_decl+
(name generate_dune)
(modules generate_dune))
(source_tree .)
(run ./generate_dune.exe))))
(alias runtest)
; Test rule for input file loop.prog
(alias runtest)
(deps loop.prog)
(run ../src/main.exe loop.prog))
(diff? loop.prog.expected loop.prog.output))))
; Test rule for input file loop.while
(alias runtest)
(deps loop.while)
(run ../src/main.exe loop.while))
(diff? loop.while.expected loop.while.output))))
(** @author: Benoît Montagu <>
@author: Pierre Lermusiaux <>
Copyright Inria 2019-2024
(** Allowed extensions for test files *)
let extensions = [ ".while"; ".prog" ]
(** Files that should be excluded from tests *)
let excludes = []
(** [print_rule chn file] prints the test rule for the file [file] to the output
channel [chn] *)
let print_rule chn file =
Printf.fprintf chn
"; Test rule for input file %s\n\
\ (alias runtest)\n\
\ (deps %s)\n\
\ (action\n\
\ (progn\n\
\ (with-stdout-to\n\
\ %s.output\n\
\ (run ../src/main.exe %s))\n\
\ (diff? %s.expected %s.output))))\n"
file file file file file file
(** [is_excluded s] returns [true] iff the string [s] belongs to the list
[excludes] *)
let is_excluded =
let module StringSet = Set.Make (String) in
let excludes =
List.fold_left (fun acc s -> StringSet.add s acc) StringSet.empty excludes
fun s -> StringSet.mem s excludes
(** [get_files dir] gets the files that are present in the directory [dir] and
that end with the suffix input_ext, and removes that suffix from those
files. The returned list is sorted according to the ordering
[]. *)
let get_files dir =
let all_files = Sys.readdir dir in
(fun file acc ->
let file = Filename.basename file in
if List.exists (String.equal (Filename.extension file)) extensions then
if is_excluded file then acc else file :: acc
else acc)
all_files []
|> List.sort
(* we sort the result so that we get consistent output on different
machines (Sys.readdir does not guarantee any ordering on the
array of returned files) *)
(** [generate_rules chn dir] generates the rules for all the files in the
directory [dir], and prints them to the output channel [chn] *)
let generate_rules chn dir =
get_files dir |> List.iter (Printf.fprintf chn "%a\n%!" print_rule)
(** Actually generate the file *)
let () = generate_rules stdout Filename.current_dir_name
def loop() = {
while true do skip;
return 0
def loop() =
{ while true do skip; return 0
while true do skip
while true do skip
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