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New Help System

SHERMAN David requested to merge github/fork/vaussard/dev_wikidot_fetch into master

Created by: vaussard

After some discussions on the mailing list, it appeared important to update our workflow regarding the help system of Aseba Studio. It has been decided to use the wiki-based help as the main reference.

This set of patches:

  • Create a Python-based fetcher in maintainer/updatedoc/. It will recursively download the Wikidot help for the available languages, and update the doc in studio/doc/.
  • Switch to the Qt Help Framework (, working with specific XML descriptor files, generating binary files used by the help system.
  • Create a new viewer in Aseba Studio, leveraging the features of the previous point, enhancing the user experience with the help system. Even if this part can be greatly enhanced, it is still a major improvement over the previous system.

This will simply the documentation-related issues, like issues #14 (closed), #26 (closed), #31 (closed), and lay out the foundations for new features, like the context-aware help of issue #35.

Merge request reports