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asebahttp: compilation errors

SHERMAN David requested to merge github/fork/derlin/compilation-errors into master

Created by: derlin

By default, asebahttp returns 200: ok to a load request whatever the outcome. However, in some cases the caller would be interested by the possible compilation errors.

We modified the code so that the PUT data of a load request support a new argument: verbose=true|false. If set to true, the body of the response will contain compiler messages, or nothing if everything went well.


  • curl -X PUT --data-ascii "verbose=false,file=$(cat code.aesl)" http://localhost:3000/nodes/thymio-II/ behaves normally
  • curl -X PUT --data-ascii "verbose=true,file=$(cat code.aesl)" http://localhost:3000/nodes/thymio-II/ returns an empty body upon success and the error message (utf string) upon failure

Note that the verbose option should appear before the file option for this to work.

Merge request reports