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asebahttp: stop and reset events

SHERMAN David requested to merge github/fork/derlin/stop-reset into master

Created by: derlin

By default, asebahttp supports /reset or /reset_all. It will 1) reset, 2) rerun the code, 3) stop the motor for all nodes.

We propose two ameliorations:

  • being able to choose if we want to rerun the code (reset) or not (stop)
  • being able to choose which node to stop/reset

Thus, this commit adds the following features:

  • GET /reset or /reset_all : stop and rerun all nodes
  • GET /stop or /stop_all : stop all nodes, no rerun
  • GET /nodes/:NAME/!reset : stop and rerun node :NAME
  • GET /nodes/:NAME/!stop : stop node :NAME, no rerun

Merge request reports