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asebahttp connects Aseba with HTTP

SHERMAN David requested to merge github/fork/davidjsherman/switch-http into master

Provide a simple REST interface with introspection for Aseba devices.

GET  /nodes                                 - JSON list of all known nodes
GET  /nodes/:NODENAME                       - JSON attributes for :NODENAME
PUT  /nodes/:NODENAME                       - install new Aesl program
GET  /nodes/:NODENAME/:VARIABLE             - retrieve JSON value for :VARIABLE
POST /nodes/:NODENAME/:VARIABLE             - send new values(s) for :VARIABLE
POST /nodes/:NODENAME/:EVENT                - call an event :EVENT
GET  /events[/:EVENT]*                      - create SSE stream for all known nodes
GET  /nodes/:NODENAME/events[/:EVENT]*      - create SSE stream for :NODENAME

Typical use: asebahttp -p 3000 -a vmcode.aesl ser:name=Thymio-II

Variables and events are learned from the node description and parsed from AESL source when provided. Server-side event (SSE) streams are updated as events arrive. The two POST forms expect JSON, but also sloppily accept slash-delimited GET, for example

  • GET /nodes/thymio-II/ sets the speed of the left motor
  • GET /nodes/thymio-II/sound_system/4/10 might record sound 4 for 10 seconds (if such an event were defined in AESL).

Compiled and tested on:

  • MacOS Yosemite (clang-602.0.53)
  • Ubuntu 12.04 (GNU g++ 4.6.3)
  • Windows XP using MING32 under msys2-i686-20150202 (GNU g++ 4.9.2)

Unit tests (tests/test-asebahttp) require a dummy node at dashel target tcp:;port=33333. They are defined using, which is included as a git submodule.

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