- Design #365: shared_ptr are now mostly passed by reference rather than by value (passing by value is in fact an anti-pattern for them). - Support #369: another anti-pattern removed: return of functions no longer use std::move (nothing was gained and a possible optimization was prevented - see 'Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers - item 25'). - Design #350: GeometricMeshRegion no longer needs Mpi object. - Documentation #345: prepare a demo for user/advanced user/proposed workflow. In the process, smooth the interface: for instance prepare XCode templates to provide minimal Model or VariationalFormulation instantiation (#363) or prepare a Python script that inits fully HappyHeart environment (scripts/init_happy_heart.py). - Support #349: Medit or Ensight geometric files can now be loaded, and the format choice is also in the input parameter file (previously Medit was hardcoded). - Bug #379: Now when a finite element space is empty, a warning is issued on the logs by the GlobalVariationalOperator that uses it. - Support #386/#389: renaming of folders; apply uppercase for the first letter consistently. - Support #346: Choose the lua file on the command line rather than in the main. - Bug #372: time iterations limits are now much better handled (previously there could be one more time iteration than required). - Support #377: Make all XCode schemes shared.